Words, sentences and paragraphs describing scenic spots

Words, sentences and paragraphs describing scenic spots

The mountains are clear, the waters are long, the mountains are not high, the immortals are not high, the water is not deep, the dragon is steep and precipitous, the momentum is majestic, the fish is flying shallow, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the scenery is boundless, the mountains are full of flowers, the five mountains are coming back, the streams are flowing, the water is shining, the mountains are empty, the spring is still at night, the birds are singing and the spring stream is flying straight

Words, sentences and paragraphs describing the beautiful scenery of Hainan

[words describing mountains]:
Lofty mountains, beautiful mountains and rivers, precipices, majestic peaks and mountains
Picturesque rivers and mountains return to us
A sea of swords, mountains and fire
[words describing water]:
The current is swift and torrential, the waves are magnificent, the waves are rough and the water level is like a mirror
Rolling and roaring mountains and rivers
A river of blood, a drop of water, a drop of water, a drop of water, a drop of water, a drop of water, a drop of water, a drop of water, a drop of water, a drop of water
[words describing color]:
Colorful and colorful
Green to flow, antique, colorful, colorful face
Green water and green hills
A few words:
It's rare. It's rare
Few, few, few stars. I'd rather be short than confused. It's very rare
In twos and threes, the flowering of tieshuliang is very small, one in a hundred
Take the lead
Red maple in autumn
The autumn wind is cool, the autumn moon is like a mirror, the autumn wind is red, the autumn wind is rustling
Autumn water is full, autumn chrysanthemum is in full bloom, autumn orchid is fragrant and autumn rain is continuous
Spring blossoms autumn fruits frost leaves know autumn insects chirp autumn water long days
Osmanthus fragrans fragrant, fallen leaves rusty and yellow, leaves fluttering, autumn grass withering and yellow
Full moon in mid autumn
The mountains are full of red leaves, the sky is high, the clouds are light, the geese are flying south, the chrysanthemums are blooming
Snow covered, mountains and lakes, spring breeze
Pavilions and pavilions
Water and sky are the same color, green hills and green waters are beautiful
Picturesque scenery, warm spring, blooming flowers and continuous spring rain
The flowers fly with the willow and the warbler, and beg for the spring breeze
Beautiful spring, chilly spring, blooming spring
Spring and scenery, spring flowers and Autumn Moon, spring flowers and autumn fruits, spring sunshine and grass
Autumn moon, spring flowers, autumn moon, spring breeze
Beautiful flowers in spring, wind in the corner of the mouth, spring ice at the end of the tiger, cold wood in spring
Spring rain is like oil, spring earthworm and autumn snake, spring is waning
Spring chants and summer strings spring grows and summer grows
Spring is full of garden, spring is full of trees and clouds, spring is charming, spring is beautiful
Spring dew, autumn frost, spring flowers, autumn moon, spring and scenery

A sentence or paragraph describing a landscape

In the Gobi desert in May, the vines are green. The green vines are wet. It rained heavily in the morning, and the ground fog appeared in the evening when it was sunny. The ground fog, like the white clouds in the sky, fluttered gently on the beach. If you stand a little far away, you will think that the whole beach seems to be moving, and the mountains in the distance seem to be moving

Beautiful sentences (3 sentences) and paragraphs (3 paragraphs) describing scenery