The waves jump

The waves jump

There is a naughty fish jumping in the waves

The waves jump

The beautiful waves are dancing leisurely

Four word words describing winter
A little bit better.

Winter and winter
Breath into frost
The sky is covered with snow
It's snowy
Snowflakes are flying
The cold wind howled
large snowflakes
a world of ice and snow
a snowstorm is raging
Be proud of the snow
The wind is bone-chilling
The cold wind howled
the dripping dripping water freezes
severe winter
The cold wind howled
The sky is covered with snow
It's snowy
Snowflakes are flying
cold and frozen
In the middle of winter
severe winter
a world of ice and snow
cold and frozen
the dripping dripping water freezes
The cold is killing me
a world of ice and snow
severe winter
I'm glad to answer for you,