A famous saying we can think of from the article "learning chess" Such as the title

A famous saying we can think of from the article "learning chess" Such as the title

"The sea embraces all rivers, and tolerance is great; the wall stands on a thousand feet, and without desire is just."
"Fish is what I want, bear's paw is what I want. You can't have both. If you give up fish and take bear's paw, you can't have both. If you give up life and take righteousness, you can't have both."
"No ambition without indifference, no ambition without tranquility"
The first two sentences are found on Baidu Encyclopedia. Do you think they are OK?

To sum up Xueyi with a famous saying

Different opinions, different sayings
Sun Tzu said: if you want to take it, you must give it first
The Buddhist Scripture says: give up, give up, give up to get
A horse is better than an ox for adventure; a strong cart is better than a boat for carrying a load; a long horse is better than a short horse for a short one. - (Tang) Wei Zheng
How happy is a man who has a choice and a choice. It's unfortunate to be a miser. - --- ludaki
If you are willing to cut yourself, you dare to pull the emperor down
There are many difficult choices and perplexed trifles in one's life. What we need at this time is to give up resolutely and make wise choices. The only thing that will limit us is determination
When God closes a door, he will open another window for you
devote oneself heart and soul to:
When a man does a good job wholeheartedly, he is bound to succeed in the end. -- Rousseau
They are both young people, so why stay behind
Every inch has its strength

If the sea has no reefs, it will not stir up beautiful waves
Imitate two sentences

If there is no rain in the sky, there will be no gorgeous rainbow