Imitation: life is like running water, without rocks, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves

Imitation: life is like running water, without rocks, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves

Life is like a pearl. It is hard to shine without the tolerance of shells
Life is like gold, without the baptism of flame, it is difficult to release the luster of gold
Life is like a utensil. If you don't suffer from the fire, it's hard to form a jade like color

No reef, no beautiful waves. What rhetoric is used?
Such as the title
"No reef, no beautiful waves." Lincoln's unyielding victory is worth learning
2. What rhetorical devices does the author use in "no reef, no beautiful waves"?

I am a Chinese teacher

What can be seen from this sentence that there are no reefs and beautiful waves?
What we want is what can be seen from this sentence? What the teacher wants to check!

"How to see rainbow without wind and rain"
"The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, the fragrance of plum flowers comes from bitter cold"
In other words, people will not mature and succeed without suffering and setbacks

What famous aphorism can I think of after reading the text "Xueyi"?

Three minds can't be two minds
Learning first
Confucius said, "it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. People don't know but don't know
Isn't sullen a gentleman? "
Some Confucius said, "he is also filial to his younger brother. Those who are good at committing crimes are rare. Those who are not good at committing crimes but good at making trouble are not
There is also. A gentleman's duty is based on the principle of morality. Filial piety is also the basis of benevolence
Black hair does not know how to study early, but white head regrets how late he studies
Youth is easy to learn, but old is hard to succeed
An inch of time is worth an inch of money. It's hard to save time by saving money
If you don't work hard when you are young, you will be sad when you are old