On the sea

On the sea

I have seen the majestic Yangtze River, calm and gentle lakes, lively and cheerful streams, but I have never seen the sea. The word "sea" is strange, mysterious and unpredictable in my mind. Finally, in the summer vacation, I saw the sea I was going to in Russia's haishengwan. The sea is really big and endless

Use the sea, land, sailboat, wind to create story composition

Please write a short composition with my wish (or ideal)
Requirements: you can express "my wish (or ideal)" directly, and avoid saying "everyone has his own wish (or ideal)" and so on. Then you can narrate it in two levels: first, the reason why this wish (or ideal) came into being is to tell a touching story with beginning and end and climax; second, the reason why this wish (or ideal) came into being, You can also express the beautiful vision of realizing this wish (or ideal), that is to say, what will you do after realizing this wish (or ideal)

Ideal is an inspiring goal, a wind vane in the sea, a snow lotus in the mountains, and a ship in the waves. It carries us to the other side of success. On the road of life, if there is no goal, we can't climb the highest peak in the world; if there is no ideal, we can't pick the most dazzling pearl

Write an English essay about panda

Panda—the National Treasure Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the...