What does the "wave" symbolize in the reef Urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent Urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent

What does the "wave" symbolize in the reef Urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent Urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent urgent

The waves symbolize all the old forces. The endless rush shows the strength and ruthlessness of the reactionary forces
Every wave is broken to pieces and scattered at its feet. "
The image is: strong, indomitable image, symbolizing the power of all oppressed nations, oppressed people to fight against the old world and old forces

Poems that are hard to repay the kindness of parents
Must be famous

Who says that the heart of grass is worth the sunshine of spring

Poems expressing kindness to parents
Or I'm in a hurry!

A wanderer's song
Author: [Mengjiao] time: [Tang] genre: [Yuefu]
The thread in my mother's hand, the coat on my son's body
Who said inch grass heart, reported three spring
Rhyme translation:
The kind mother has a needle and thread in her hand
Make new clothes for children who travel far away
Before she left, she was busy sewing tightly,
It's worrying about children. It's hard to return here
Who can say the filial piety like grass,
Can I repay my mother's kindness like Chunhui?
[comment and analysis]:
In the first two sentences of the poem, people are mother and son, and objects are thread and clothes. However, it points out that mother and son depend on each other
The middle two sentences focus on the actions and attitudes of the loving mother, which shows the mother's deep devotion to her son
Love. Although no words, no tears, but full of pure love, exciting, tearful
The sublimation of the four sentences, with a popular image of the metaphor, reposes the passion of the child, for the spring like maternal love, like grass
How can our children repay in case?
There is no gorgeous words or artful carving in the whole poem, which is full of rich flavor in the fresh, fluent, simple and plain language
The mellow poetic flavor and sincere feelings have stirred many readers' heartstrings for thousands of years and aroused the resonance of thousands of travelers
Famous sayings about gratitude
After death, you will die
Crow has the meaning of back feeding, sheep know the kindness of kneeling milk
A drop of water will be rewarded by a spring
Who said inch grass heart, reported three spring
The bee sips honey from the flower and gives thanks when it leaves. The boastful butterfly believes that the flower should give thanks to him. - Tagore
If you help me, you will never forget it. If you help me, don't forget it
Every kind of favor has a barb, which will catch the mouth that swallows the favor. The benefactor will get it wherever he wants to drag him
Ingratitude is worse than lying, vanity, gossiping, drinking or other evils in the hearts of vulnerable people -- an English proverb
Mean people are always ungrateful: ungratefulness is a part of meanness - Hugo
An ungrateful man cannot be saved when he is in trouble -- a Greek proverb
If a person suffers from a great favor and then turns against his benefactor, he has to take care of his own dignity. He must be more vicious than an unrelated stranger. He has to prove the other person's guilt to explain his own unkindness - Thackeray
Gratitude is the smallest of virtues, ingratitude the worst of vices
The little magpie plucks out her mother's feathers and thinks that she has rewarded her upbringing -- a Tibetan proverb
The kindness of parents, water can not drown, fire can not be put out -- Soviet proverb
Father's kindness is higher than mountain, mother's kindness is deeper than sea -- Japanese proverb
To know the kindness of parents, to hold children and grandchildren in your arms
To raise a son is to know his mother's hardship, and to raise a daughter is to thank his mother's kindness - Japanese proverb
Never know your mother when you are young, never know how to repay your mother's kindness until you raise a child - Japanese proverb
If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know the price of firewood and rice. If you don't raise a child, you don't know how to repay your mother's kindness
My father begets me, my mother bows me, feeds me, breeds me, cares for me, recovers me, goes in and out of me, and wants to repay me
To repay virtue with kindness
Unexpectedly night solitary lamp silhouette Xiao, see son such as Jiao, hope son Teng Xiao
The cold frost floats on the temples, the skirt waist falls in spring, and the eyebrows rise in autumn
Thirty two years of rain and waves, rain Ji cloud disappear, mind like tide
Read the mother's half life hard work, kneel suckling lambs, return today