There are reefs in 38nmile around island a in the sea, The ship is sailing due south. It is measured at point B that island a is 30 ° south by east of the ship. After sailing for 30 nmile, it is measured at point C that island a is 45 ° south by east of the agricultural ship. If this ship does not change its course and continues to sail south, is there any danger of hitting the reef?

There are reefs in 38nmile around island a in the sea, The ship is sailing due south. It is measured at point B that island a is 30 ° south by east of the ship. After sailing for 30 nmile, it is measured at point C that island a is 45 ° south by east of the agricultural ship. If this ship does not change its course and continues to sail south, is there any danger of hitting the reef?

It's very simple. Take the starting point, dark focus, and due south direction as the right angle side, draw a right triangle, and then use a to represent the distance from dark focus to due south direction. Then the corresponding 30 degree and 60 degree angles can be represented. It can be calculated according to the known

Which hero can help me write a 500 word composition in the four words of sea, land, sailboat and gale (the theme is OK)
Block by block

There was a sailboat on the land. We pushed it into the sea and suddenly encountered a strong wind

A composition describing the scenery of the sea

Blue sky; like the call of seagulls in the sky
Like the sea, like to see the sea with the most intimate friends; like to see the sea with the most sincere relatives
Like the sea, like sitting on the beach to see the sea, like the tide up and down, like the surging sea
I hope one day, I can live by the sea. I live in a small shell house with two stories to see the sea
Sea, can let people free and easy, can forget unpleasant things. From now on to be a positive, forward person
I hope one day, I can sit on the beach with my favorite people and count the stars back to back. In the beautiful night sky, only the stars can overhear our intimate words, and only the stars can witness our sincerity
Listening to the sea, I can listen to the voice of the sea with my favorite people, then I must be the happiest person in the world. Listen to you tell every moving story, listen to you play every wonderful symphony, listen to the sound of laughter on the sea
I hope that one day, I can sit on the balcony of the shell room with my loved ones and enjoy the bright moon on the sea. Let's enjoy a happy night
Kiss the sea, please allow me to hold the sea, gently kiss it. Because it's soft, it's really lovely
I hope one day, when I am old, with pale silver hair, I can stand on the beach with my best friend and sing for our youth
Like the sea, simple reason, should not be guessed by others. Only the sea knows, this is our secret
Sentimental sea, can you tell me why you often cry? Is it complaining that I haven't put you in my heart
The amorous sea, is it the infatuated tearful person who often confides to you? Is her heart so sad
Is the bottle floating on the sea the memory she left behind or the memory she told you to take good care of
The golden beach accompanies you in every lonely night, which makes you never feel lonely. Do people on the beach share every happiness with them in every happy day
Are you tired? Are you telling people that you want to have a rest
Like the sea, like everything in the sea
Also want to have a house, facing the sea, spring flowers
I have never been to the sea, nor have I ever owned the sea, but I yearn for the sea. In my memory, the sea is just a pool of water on TV that can not be calmed any more, and the water sky blue, giving people a heart that can not be calmed any more. But what Gorky's petrel shows us is an angry sea, giving people an unprecedented courage and fighting spirit, I feel that this is the real sea in life
The sea is like life, calm or surging. So is life. How can a person not experience some waves in his life? People always lament Deng Xiaoping's great achievements, his three ups and downs, especially his ups and downs. If there are no three ups and downs, maybe there are no "reform and opening up" or "one country, two systems", China will lose a great man, But it has always been a little famous, perhaps there is no "suet ball", there is no "necklace", there is no giant in the history of French literature. From this point of view, there is no surge of wind in the sea, how can there be calm in front of us? What's more, the calm sea can not be regarded as the real sea. I remember someone said: "life without mistakes is not perfect life." isn't it
The sea is beautiful, no matter it is calm or angry. The calm sea brings us a kind of tranquility, a kind of comfort; it is a kind of plain state of mind. The angry sea brings us a lot of courage and fighting spirit, yearning, longing and passion. The calm sea is a blue world without wind and waves, Peace of mind. And who knows that there is a crisis hidden in the peace? Peace is the false side of the sea. The sea is not a lady, but a powerful Xiang Yu. The sea is not a beautiful blue carpet, but an endless flowing sand dune. Anger is the most real side of the sea
There are many ups and downs in life, but as long as you are right, you can reach the peak. An English pastor said well: "if a person is right, then his world is right."
The sea is unknown, and people also need this kind of spirit. The sea is tolerant of everything. Therefore, her children are all over the world, silently contributing to mankind, but never asking for anything. As the mother of all creatures, the sea silently contributes itself to all creatures
The sea is tolerant. It tolerates all the people who have hurt it. Compared with it, I don't know if people are ashamed of themselves. A mother said, "to really forgive others is to really love themselves." I don't know if it can explain all this, but it can at least show that tolerance is beautiful
At the same time, the sea is cruel, just like the ruthlessness of life. She is tolerant of everything, and at the same time, she is making the choice of "survival of the fittest". Those who fail to pass the selection pass will only be buried in the deep sea. Those who can not stand the test of life will only be eliminated by the society
I love the sea. Love the sea, let it define life; love the sea, let yesterday become the past; love the sea, let the future meet the sunrise; love the sea, let life colorful
I have never been to the sea, but I love the sea, I want to feel every wave of the sea, feel every wind of the sea
Comments: This is an examination composition, it is not easy to complete such an article in the examination room. The author has not seen the sea, but she can seriously observe life, feel life and experience life. To feel the sea is to feel life, feel life, and turn the yearning for the sea into the pursuit of a better future. The language of this paper is vivid, the words are correct, and the center is clear. After reading it, we will gain a lot
I always feel that: the sea has a kind of magic that makes people forget their troubles! It always fascinates me to chase and play on the beach, to enjoy sunbathing on the beach, or to "watch the sea" freely on the beach
Last summer, our family went to Okinawa, Japan. The island is surrounded by sea. On the last day, we stayed in the Canbo Cape Hotel on the seashore, and had a wonderful view of the coast. The vast ocean, the blue waves, the crystal spray, the sound of the waves, and the blooming sails like snow lotus , evoke me infatuated, dreamlike endless reverie
The coast of Okinawa is very suitable for sightseeing. I remember that at dusk, we went to the seaside to see the sea. The sea was very clear, and there was no man-made rubbish along the coast. The beach was white shell sand, thick, and it looked like someone was scratching your feet. The guide told us, "we cherish our sea very much, Let the sea not be polluted and damaged. "I think it should be this kind of sincere" love the sea "mood of the whole people, in order to retain the original and beautiful appearance of the sea!

An article about the sea

I have seen the majestic Yangtze River, calm and gentle lakes, lively and cheerful streams, but I have never seen the sea. The word "sea" is strange, mysterious and unpredictable in my mind. Finally, in the summer vacation, I saw the sea I was heading for in haishengwan, Russia. The sea is really big and endless. The sea is still, like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white jade, Green trees and red flowers are like a piece of Jasper. If you look more carefully, you can see that the sea is very clear, even the fine sand and stones inside. From time to time, you can see several starfish lying in the sea. You can't help but take a breath to know that the air on the sea is so fresh and natural, which makes people relaxed and happy. Slowly, the sea is windy. The microwave is sparkling, and the sun is shining on it, The sea is like a broken golden emerald. People can't help but feel pity for it. The wind is getting bigger and bigger, and the waves are getting bigger and bigger. The waves are chasing each other. The spray is white, and it seems to be a piece of silk dancing in the wind. The waves push the waves, some of them roll for a while and then disappear, some of them hit the rocks on the shore, The seagulls were attracted by the trio and hovered in the sea, adding a beautiful scenery to the sea. Unconsciously, the waves receded, the seagulls flew away, and the sea was calm again. Listening to the calm of the sea, I suddenly thought of something, walking barefoot on the beach alone, step by step, I am looking for the memory of the lost sea
Blue sky; like the call of seagulls in the sky
Like the sea, like to see the sea with the most intimate friends; like to see the sea with the most sincere relatives
Like the sea, like sitting on the beach to see the sea, like the tide up and down, like the surging sea
I hope one day, I can live by the sea. I live in a small shell house with two stories to see the sea
Sea, can let people free and easy, can forget unpleasant things. From now on to be a positive, forward person
I hope one day, I can sit on the beach with my favorite people and count the stars back to back. In the beautiful night sky, only the stars can overhear our intimate words, and only the stars can witness our sincerity
Listening to the sea, I can listen to the voice of the sea with my favorite people, then I must be the happiest person in the world. Listen to you tell every moving story, listen to you play every wonderful symphony, listen to the sound of laughter on the sea
I hope that one day, I can sit on the balcony of the shell room with my loved ones and enjoy the bright moon on the sea. Let's enjoy a happy night
Kiss the sea, please allow me to hold the sea, gently kiss it. Because it's soft, it's really lovely
I hope one day, when I am old, with pale silver hair, I can stand on the beach with my best friend and sing for our youth
Like the sea, simple reason, should not be guessed by others. Only the sea knows, this is our secret
Sentimental sea, can you tell me why you often cry? Is it complaining that I haven't put you in my heart
The amorous sea, is it the infatuated tearful person who often confides to you? Is her heart so sad
Is the bottle floating on the sea the memory she left behind or the memory she told you to take good care of
The golden beach accompanies you in every lonely night, which makes you never feel lonely. Do people on the beach share every happiness with them in every happy day
Are you tired? Are you telling people that you want to have a rest
Like the sea, like everything in the sea
Also want to have a house, facing the sea, spring flowers
I have never been to the sea, nor have I ever owned the sea, but I yearn for the sea. In my memory, the sea is just the calm water on the TV, and the blue water sky, which gives people a calm heart. And Gorky's "petrel" shows me