The writing background of Zhu Ziqing's prose "in a hurry"

The writing background of Zhu Ziqing's prose "in a hurry"

Zhu Ziqing's prose poem "in a hurry" was written on March 28, 1922. It was the ebb tide of the May 4th movement, and the reality constantly disappointed the author, In his view, "every process in life has its own independent meaning and value - every moment has its own meaning and value! Every moment has its own place in the duration of time." (letter to Yu Pingbo, November 7, 2002, by Zhu Ziqing), He wants to "step on the soil step by step, and make deep footprints" (Zhu Ziqing's "destruction") in order to achieve "paragraph satisfaction". The whole poem reveals the poet's grievance in the light sadness, which also reflects the general mood of the educated youth in the ebb tide of the May 4th movement
"In a hurry" is a poet's work. From the spring scene in front of his eyes, he arouses his emotions suddenly. The poet expresses it with the help of imagination. Imagination "makes the unknown things take shape and appear, and the poet's pen makes them complete, so that the ethereal nothingness can get its dwelling place and be famous." (Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's dream) the poet expresses the ethereal time, abstract ideas, and the spirit of time, Through the phenomenon to express, and with the poet's emotional clues, to choose and capture the bright image. The poet's mood with time from invisible to tangible, from looming to clear a group of constantly changing pictures and presents the ups and downs of the waves
"Swallows go, there is a time to come again; willows wither, there is a time to be green again; peach blossoms wither, there is a time to bloom again." the poet outlines a light picture. The author does not mean to describe the reality of spring scenery, but to bring readers into the picture, accept the infection of emotion, and at the same time make an image hint: the prosperity and withering of nature in the picture is the trace of time flies, Therefore, the poet pursues the track of his days. However, the days of "me" are "gone forever", invisible and untouchable. Have they been "stolen" or "escaped"? The signs of natural metabolism contrast with his invisible days, and the poet's feeling of loss is revealed in a series of questions
"Like a drop of water dripping in the sea, my days are dripping in the stream of time." comparing my more than 8000 days with the novel metaphor of "a drop of water", it is extremely exaggerated. Compared with the vastness of the stream of time, it highlights the characteristics of "no sound, no shadow" of my days. In fact, there are traces of my days here. A drop of water is its concrete image, dripping in the sea, The poet tried his best to feel it from sight and hearing and search for the past days. However, more than 8000 days have slipped away quietly. The ruthlessness of time and the shortness of life make the poet "feel his head" and "weep"
What kind of "rush" is time? The poet didn't make abstract comments. He expressed his feelings and potential consciousness through images, penetrating the familiar surface and looking for the "new things" (Zhu Ziqing's poetry and feelings). Therefore, the ethereal time was visualized, The poet's "unique secret" is revealed in his habitual picture of life
"In the morning, there are two or three slanting suns in the cottage. The sun is moving gently and quietly. The sun is personified. Like a young girl, he walks quietly past the poet. With the sun's" moving ", he is also" spinning in a daze ", The poet uses a series of parallelism sentences to show the fleeting flow of time. Eating, washing hands and meditating are the details of people's daily life, but the poet is keen to see the flow of time. When he tries to keep it, it skilfully "strides over", lightly "flies away", quietly "slips away", and quickly "flashes", and the pace of time is faster and faster, Describing the image of time is in constant change, giving people a feeling of living life. We hear the light and lively footsteps of time, and also hear the trembling of the poet's heart
In the rush of time, the poet lingers, ponders and obstinately pursues. The dark reality conflicts with his enthusiasm, and the rush of time contrasts with his inaction, which makes the poet see more clearly: "the past days are like smoke, dispersed by the breeze, evaporated by the early sun, like mist." if the third section reflects the passage of time with the author's specific feelings of the day, To reflect the general words in terms of individual, here, the author makes a high-level summary of the passage of more than 8000 days, so that all kinds of images of time rushing away can be condensed in one point, making the passage of time more clear and perceptible: there are colors, light blue and milky white; there are movements, which are "blown away" and "evaporated", Soberly feel the passage of time with all body and mind, and pursue the "gossamer trace" of your life
With the flying of emotion, the poet creates the environment by the emotion, visualizes the ethereal time, and adds a series of lyrical questions, which naturally reveals the self struggle of his mind, the pain of self explanation, and his persistent pursuit in wandering. In the simple and plain, he reveals a strong lyrical atmosphere
Poetry has the quality of musical beauty. Metrical poetry embodies its musicality by metrical and rhyme, and free poetry maintains its sense of rhythm by rhythmic and rhyme. Prose poetry abandons all these external forms, and its musical beauty naturally reveals itself from the organic unity of the poet's internal mood fluctuation and the rhythm of language, Sometimes it also shows the full existence of rhythm, so it deviates from its nominal type, and obtains the name of "prose poetry", which is a kind of semi rhythmic work in the field of poetry
"In a hurry" shows the rapid flow of emotion caused by the author's pursuit of the trace of time. The whole style is unified in "light and pretty". The rhythm is sparse and smooth, light and fluent. In order to harmonize the rhythm of emotion, the author uses a series of parallelism sentences: "when washing hands, the days pass from the water basin; when eating, the days pass from the rice bowl; when silent..." The same sentence pattern is streamlined, and a wisp of emotion affects the active and quiet picture, which makes me see the flow of time. Moreover, most of the sentences are short sentences, with five or six characters in a sentence, which makes me feel light and fluent. The syntactic structure is simple, without multi-level changes, such as a continuous flowing river, such as a harmonizing piano, It is full of continuous sound waves. Its musicality does not focus on the cadence of words, but on the fluency of sentences. The author does not deliberately carve it. Instead, he just "writes casually and honestly". With vivid spoken language, he expresses the poetic feeling freely. The rhythm of language and emotion naturally coincide, making the poem symmetrical and harmonious
The use of reduplicated words in hurry also makes its language rhythmic. Sunshine is slanting, it moves gently, I rotate, time goes in a hurry, and it strides across The use of these reduplicated words makes the poem not only achieve the visual authenticity, but also achieve the auditory authenticity, that is, on the one hand, it describes the appearance of the passage of time, on the other hand, it describes the sound of time. At the same time, the poet on the one hand describes the objective things, on the other hand, it achieves the subjective feelings. The sound of reality causes the poet's mood fluctuations, which is expressed through the sound of language, We can also see that the poet's reduplicated words are naturally and evenly distributed in each sentence to show its distant rhythm, which coincides with the fluctuation of the author's subtle mood
The so-called "endless words and repeated words" not only show the poet's deep feeling, but also increase the melody of the poem. "Only wandering, only in a hurry; in the rush of more than 8000 days, what is left besides wandering?" "wandering", "in a hurry" and other words appear repeatedly, A kind of resentment reverberates repeatedly. "What traces do I leave? How ever did I leave traces like gossamer?" the change of the same meaning sentence number makes the emotion advance layer by layer, and shows the neat beauty in the uneven. The repetition of the conclusion sentence strengthens the main melody of the work, and draws the waves of the poet's emotion. The repeated use and repeated chanting have the effect of singing and sighing
The structure of "hurry" is also very simple. Eleven questions are clues to the rise and fall of emotions. Asking questions without answering, and drifting by, not only shows the fluency of the work, but also shows the jumping of poetic mood, which makes the image unfold rapidly. The general poetic sentence is different from the general syntactic structure of language, which omits some sentence elements regardless of the grammatical restrictions, Its basic use is the sentence pattern of prose. The author's mood jump is not as big as that of free verse. But it is different from prose. There is a gap between sentences and paragraphs, which is connected by the author's thoughts. The questions in hurry are not answered, but the answers are implied. This can enlighten the reader's imagination, cause deep thinking, show its implicit beauty, and the rapid flow of cooperators' emotions, It shows the beauty of poetic rhythm

Writing methods of research articles

1、 What is research article
Research articles, as the name suggests, are theoretical articles written after investigation and Research on a certain problem. Research articles take investigation as the premise, research as the focus, and discussion as the purpose. They are not just simple comments on the right and wrong, the good and the bad, or the advanced and backward of the facts. Some people regard the research report as a research article, which is wrong, Because the investigation report only pays attention to the investigation and does not pay attention to the research, but only displays the facts and data of the problem, without further analysis and reasoning of the facts and data, and without constructive exploration and practical results, the investigation report is not a research article. Some people regard the work summary as a research article, which is even more wrong, Because work summary is a summary of past work achievements and experience, it is not a special investigation and demonstration of a certain aspect of the problem. It is not a research article. Similarly, news propaganda reports and advanced materials are not research articles, The purpose is to explore, to innovate, to solve problems, and to exchange the worries of forefathers for the happiness of later generations
The "tone" of a research article is to investigate and understand, that is, to go deep into the grass-roots level, to go deep into the reality, to go deep into the problems to investigate, to collect data and data. "Research" is to analyze and study the problems investigated and understood, and to put forward suggestions or measures to control the development and change of problems, It is necessary to conduct in-depth investigation, understanding, analysis and Thinking on those more cutting-edge, marginal, emerging problems or key, difficult, hot or focus issues in the work, rather than just talking about general problems. Research articles are written on the basis of investigation and research, rather than relying on hearsay, behind closed doors and hard thinking
2、 Selection of research topics
There are three forms of research topics: the first is proposition research, that is, the research topic is determined by the superior in advance, and the researchers can only carry out research according to the topic determined by the superior, and write research articles with the title of the research topic; the second is proposition research