What is the writing method of this text

What is the writing method of this text

I'm a college student. I can't understand it

What is the writing method of Great Wall text


What are the writing techniques of Chinese

Writing technique refers to the artistic expression of a work, including expression, rhetoric and expression. There are five kinds of expression: narration, discussion, lyric, description and explanation. There are many kinds of rhetoric, such as simile (simile, metaphor and metonymy, which should be understood in senior high school)

What is the writing method of Chinese composition

For Chinese composition, the most important thing is the beginning and the end. It is just the so-called "dragon head and phoenix tail". In the college entrance examination marking, the teacher will read many papers a day. It is impossible for every composition to read carefully. He will only focus on the beginning and the end. There are many ways to make the beginning and the end attractive, such as using metaphor, personification, parallelism, etc, If you don't deviate from the central idea, you will certainly get a lot of marks for your composition