What are the author's thoughts and feelings?

What are the author's thoughts and feelings?

This poem expresses the poet's thoughts and feelings, urgent! Love nature, this is a philosophical poem, but the poet does not talk abstractly, but firmly

What thoughts and feelings does Xilin wall express
What thoughts and feelings does this poem express,
Not meaning, thoughts and feelings, poets, poets, poets' thoughts and feelings

Love nature

What kind of thoughts and feelings does tixilingbi express?

This is a philosophical poem, but the poet doesn't talk abstractly. Instead, he talks about his own unique feelings with the help of the image of Lushan Mountain and expresses his philosophy in simple and easy language. Therefore, he is kind, natural and thought-provoking

What is the best poem to express the author's feelings? What does the author explain?

What can best express the author's feelings is that he doesn't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because he is in the mountain. These two sentences are extemporaneous reasoning, talking about the experience of touring the mountain (what he thinks). Why can't he recognize the true face of Lushan Mountain? Because in Lushan Mountain, his vision is limited by the peaks of Lushan Mountain, and what he sees is only the peaks, mountains, hills and valleys of Lushan Mountain