How does the rain express the author's thoughts and feelings

How does the rain express the author's thoughts and feelings

This poem describes the different styles of the West Lake on rainy and sunny days, and expresses the poet's love and praise for the West Lake

How does the rain express the author's feelings after the first sunny day on the lake

The water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy. It's better to make up the West Lake than the West Lake. [note] 1. The West Lake is like a flash of light. 2. The sky is like clouds and mists. 3. Strange: wonderful. 4. The West Lake is a famous beauty of Yue in the spring and Autumn period

After drinking on the lake, the author expressed his thoughts and feelings

It expresses the author's praise and love for the West Lake

What kind of feelings does the poem express?

This is a poem praising the beautiful scenery of the West Lake. It is also a poem about scenery. It was written during the period when the poet was in charge of Hangzhou. The beautiful scenery of Hangzhou diluted Su Shi's inner troubles and depression, and awakened his deep love for nature