On the poem of "smile"

On the poem of "smile"

Peach blossom red powder, red powder, just like Rouge micro run. Beauty and make cherry lips, pieces of fragrance meteor soul. Soul meteor, soul meteor, still as beautiful as red halo. Looking back on a smile, Liugong pink no color "refers to Yang guihuan!" I smile to the sky from the Hengdao, leaving liver and gall two Kunlun "is Tan Sitong's pen in prison!"

Who can help with such poems as mother's smile
Title: mother's smile
Type: Poetry
To sensational point, to explain their own mistakes, the hard work of the mother
I'm here to thank you all

Mother's love (2)
Mountain, no mother's love high;
The sea is not as deep as mother's love;
Heaven, without mother's love;
The earth, does not have the mother's love tolerance;
The sun, without the warmth of mother's love;
Clouds, no mother's love white;
Flowers, no mother's love brilliant
Who dresses us when we are cold?
Who cooks for us when we are hungry?
Who encouraged us when we failed;
Happy for us when we succeed?
She's not a robot; she's not a computer,
She is my mother
Mom's not Santa Maria,
It's not Jesus,
Not God,
But she was as gentle and kind as St. Maya
As loving as Jesus,
As wise as God
Ah, mother is so great!
Maybe years have taken away your splendor,
Leave your hair pale,
But it will never take away your kind smile?
Mom, on this special day,
Please let me offer my most sincere thanks!
Happy mother's day
My beloved mother,
I can't say enough,
I can't finish what I want to write,
All in silence
Angel of spring
Mother is like an angel in spring,
The warm spring breeze,
It brought a drizzle like silk,
Blowing into the hearts of children,
Understand your child's needs,
This loving angel,
Taking care of children's lives,
Protecting the safety of children,
I gave everything,
No matter how bad we are,
Mother, the angel,
Still have the sea like measure,
Come and forgive us
Mother's love is like a candy
Mother's love,
It's like a candy,
Wrapped in nagging,
Hiding in scolding,
Let me look around,
Until I know,
I just found it
A poem in praise of mother
Every tear is cut and sewn
It's got me out of my eyes
A red candle that never dies
In the wind and rain
A life in full bloom in the flame
Pray for the life of flesh and blood
Can you hear me cry all the time
A shriveled nest is a simple bag
So much milk soaked in rain and dew
Fill my morning land
I'm on my way
Walk like a bunch around you
Sacrifice flowers
Water for a living mother
Mother with milk as water
Rivers grow on your hands
The ancient ship that cleans my heart
My blind eyes spit fire
Paddle and shake
The sun is rolling steel
Refining a pair of pearls in a dream
Light like a star
Focus on me all the time to build a blue bridge
from then on
My backbone
The rainbow that forms the soul
The water stood and sang and lay down
Cut the wound of the day and keep the blood
A poet with milk as pen and ink
There is no specific home
Sitting on the clouds chanting for my mother
A sky that never sleeps
Mother, for a long time
I just want to write a poem for you
But I wrote it many times
It's still not well written
Mother, I wrote this poem for you
I don't know how to start
I don't know how to end it
I don't know what to write
It's like when I was a child, I was slapped in the face
I don't know if it's time to be brave
Or should we choose to escape
Mother, I think of you again tonight
I decided to write a poem for you
Even if it's not well written
Even if you are far away from home
Never read

What's the meaning of "looking at the ocean with a smile"?

It expresses the author's love for the sea

Understanding of Ai Qing's reef
In Ai Qing's reefs, reefs are not natural objects, but emotional objects. So what is this emotion? Please write the other three meanings according to the following examples
A man of steel is never afraid of wind and rain

1. The artistic conception of "standing on a wall with thousands of feet, no desire, no desire" makes a sentence: a man who is as calm as a rock and has no desire is never afraid of the endless waves. "Every wave is foamed and scattered at its feet..."
2. Reef is the embodiment of the poet's spiritual appeal. It is standing still with scars. In the poet's heart, he is willing to be such a person. Therefore, I am willing to bear all the suffering with a smiling heart. "But it still stands there with a smile..."
There are only three words. You can create the last one