Ask for an English short poem to read aloud Beautiful sentences are required to reflect the beauty of English structure, and there are several key words, which can be used to comment on the usage separately. Be sure to be short and concise. 6 or 7 lines are enough The essay is also acceptable

Ask for an English short poem to read aloud Beautiful sentences are required to reflect the beauty of English structure, and there are several key words, which can be used to comment on the usage separately. Be sure to be short and concise. 6 or 7 lines are enough The essay is also acceptable

when you are oldWhen you are old and grey and full of sleepAnd nodding by the fire,take down this bookAnd slowly read ,and dream of the soft lookYours eyes had once,and of their shadows deep.How many ...

Read the ancient poems and complete the exercises
June 27 Wanghu building drunk book
Su Shi (Song Dynasty)
The mountains are not covered by black clouds,
Bai Yu jumped into the boat
The wind came and blew away,
The Wanghu tower is under the water like the sky
What season is this poem about? Where do you see it?
2. Fill in the blanks
The scenery described in this poem are (), (), (), (). The author uses "turning ink" to write the clouds (); uses "jumping beads" to write the rain (); uses "sudden blowing" to write the characteristics of the rain (); and uses "water as the sky" to write the rain (). He catches the changes of the weather in midsummer () and the characteristics of "sudden rain" ()
3. Find out the figurative sentences in the poem, compare what to what, and the advantages of such writing

1. What season is this poem about? Where do you see it? Summer 2. Fill in the blanks this poem describes the scenery of (cloud), (rain), (wind), (building). The author uses "fanmo" to write the cloud (black)); uses "tiaoju" to write the rain (urgent); uses "suddenly blow away" to write

Read the ancient poems and complete the exercises
Qingpingle village residence
Author: Xin Qiji, Southern Song Dynasty
The eaves are low and the grass is green on the stream. The sound of Wu in the drunken place is charming. Who has white hair?
Da'er hoes beans in the east of the stream, while Zhong'er weaves chicken cages
1. The poet______ 、______ 、______ These ordinary rural scenery are combined in one picture, through Weng Yi______ , da'er______ , Zhonger______ , children______ It truly reflects the rural life full of vitality, peace, tranquility, simplicity and comfort

Maoyan, stream, grass chat funny, hoe beans, woven chicken cage, peel lotus
Weng Yi refers to an old couple with white hair

Read the ancient poem "bamboo stone" and finish the exercise
1. We should be like bamboo and stone (), and we will not work hard towards our goal
2. Which poem is the best one to show the character of bamboo? The poem praises the spirit of bamboo () and fully shows the aspiration of the poet ()
3. If the root of bamboo can talk, what will the root of green hill say?

1. Insist on Castle Peak
2. A thousand grind and ten thousand blows, but still strong, let the East, West, North and south wind
firm and indomitable