Words to describe big waves

Words to describe big waves

Huge waves, turbid sky, empty, surging, surging, surging, endless, still water flowing deep
It's a vast ocean
The sea never overflows, the river rushes, the sea boils, the sea boils, the river boils, the river boils
It's very rough
[rough] rough: the appearance of a surge of water. It is used to describe the big and rapid waves
[mighty] the water is strong, the wind is strong and the waves are high
[rough] rough: the appearance of a surge of water. It is used to describe the big and rapid waves
A rough and frightening wave. It refers to a dangerous environment or a sharp and fierce struggle
It was originally described as heavy rain, but later described as very powerful or powerful
Pushing the mountains and overturning the sea. It describes powerful, powerful and broad. It describes majestic and large-scale

What are the words of wave

Riding the waves
The waves wash away the sand
Wandering all over the world
The waves wash away the sand
Ride the wind and waves
Mai Lang
Rough seas
Canglang Pavilion
The prodigal son does not change his money
Prodigal son
To be dissolute
Liu Lang Wen Ying
Heat wave
Meng Lang
Calm and calm
The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead
The prodigal son turned back
Big waves
New wave
A prodigal son
Breaking the waves

What are the rhetorical devices used in this poem?

Exaggeration and contrast
The first couplet is about the mountains and the Red Army's conquest of the mountains. Wuling and Wumeng are objective beings, but when they enter the poet's vision, they become aesthetic objects. Therefore, they are no longer simple mountains, but emotional objects. "Weiyi" and "majestic" speak highly of the towering mountains, which are the mountains in the hearts of the Red Army and the poet, The greatest and the smallest are the poet's perception of the mountains. The greater the mountains are, the more difficult the Red Army's Long March will be. The greater the county's Red Army's fear will be. The greater the small is, the more the Red Army's contempt for the difficulties will be highlighted. Through two groups of opposites, the poet fully shows the Red Army's indomitable heroic spirit. From the artistic point of view, this is exaggeration and contrast, The Red Army is a dark line, a combination of movement and stillness, a combination of light and shade, contrast, very clever

What are the rhetorical devices used in "Teng Xi Lang" and "Zou Ni Wan" in "Wuling meandering, Teng Xi Lang, Wumeng majestic, Zou Ni Wan"? What are the expressive functions in the poems

Exaggeration: to enlarge or reduce the original appearance of objective things, but still feel real and reasonable. This kind of "exaggeration with faith" technique is called exaggeration. Dashan (Wuling and Wumeng) is said to be waves and mud balls, which is a narrowing exaggeration