Good words and sentences of dog, cat and mouse Urgent! It's better to have a sentence in every paragraph

Good words and sentences of dog, cat and mouse Urgent! It's better to have a sentence in every paragraph

As for man, it is a great progress to be able to stand upright; it is a great progress to be able to speak; it is a great progress to be able to write; however, it is also a great progress to be able to degenerate, because empty talk began at that time

Appreciation of dog, cat and mouse in the morning and evening

In dog, cat and mouse, reality and the past are intertwined. Distant memories and recent situation rush to my heart together with the present. The smooth narration has a clear stand, and there seems to be some self mockery in the righteous words
The author recalls his childhood hatred of cat because he thought it had eaten his beloved cryptorat. However, the author's sincerity lies in that he took the initiative to turn over the case for the cat he always hated. He frankly said that he was wrong about the cat and that "the cryptorat was not actually harmed by the cat". Nevertheless, the author also admits that "the relationship with the cat finally did not merge."
The author talks about things on the basis of facts, without any cover up, and appears to be real and lovely. In Zhaohuaxishi, both Lu Xun of the past and Lu Xun of the present are real and amiable
When the author writes about the reasons for hating cats now, he shows his consistent insight and grasp of the fundamental evils of the people. He says that cat catches mice and birds and "will not bite to death, but will play with them to the full." he sees that cats have a "flattering manner.",
And said, "if it's ten times bigger than it is now, I really don't know what kind of attitude it takes."
On the other hand, when Lu Xun wrote about dogs, cats and mice, he quoted many examples, such as the German fairy tales, the legend of Japanese "cat woman", the "Cat Ghost" recorded in northern history, the "eight commandments" in folklore, and "the marriage of mice" and so on
No matter from the vertical or horizontal, from the interest of the article or from the profundity of the point of view, Lu Xun's "dog, cat, mouse"

Reading notes should have good words, sentences and feelings

Highlights and appreciation
It's just like this in Tokyo. The cherry blossom season in Ueno looks like a rosy light cloud, but there are also groups of "overseas students of Qing Dynasty" under the flowers. They have braids on their heads, which make them towering on the top of students' hats,
It forms a Mount Fuji. There are also braids that are flat. Apart from the hat, it looks like a little girl's bun. It also has to twist her neck. It's really beautiful
Tokyo is no more than this. "In" no more than "is understood as" however ", which expresses the author's feelings (disgust to the overseas students of Qing Dynasty, and disdain to associate with them)." such "refers to (the ugly behavior of the overseas students), which paves the way for the following, reflecting the author's disappointment, contradiction, pain and disgust." true "means another greater possibility;" but "means supplementary explanation, The words after "but" are what the author really wants to say
Not to mention the green vegetable beds, smooth stone well fences, tall acacia trees, purple mulberry; not to mention the cicadas singing in the leaves, fat wasps lying on the cauliflower, light call the son of Heaven (Skylark) suddenly from the grass straight into the clouds. Just around the short mud wall root area, there is infinite fun, Crickets play the piano here. When they turn over the broken bricks, they sometimes meet centipedes; and cantharides. If they press their fingers on its back, they will puff out a puff of smoke from the back orifice. Polygonum multiflorum vine and Manglietia vine are entangled. Manglietia has lotus like fruits, and Polygonum multiflorum has bloated roots, If you are not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries, like small balls of coral beads. They are sour and sweet, and their color and taste are much better than mulberry
The author uses "needless to say Needless to say Just There is... " Such a group of words leads to 13 kinds of scenery (vegetable border, shijinglan, Gleditsia sinensis, mulberry, cicada, wasp, the son of heaven, mud wall root, Chrysopa, centipede, Polygonum multiflorum, Manglietia, raspberry), 4 interesting things (looking for centipede, pressing cantharides, pulling Polygonum multiflorum, picking Raspberry), and the first two "needless to say" briefly describe the general situation of BaiCaoYuan, "just There is... " Now that "Shan Shi" is full of fun, we can see that the garden is full of fun, rendering the feeling of "my paradise" in Baicao garden. The scenery is well-organized. The former "don't have to say" describes still life from low to high, The latter is about animals from high to low. The whole part is from plants to animals, and the local part is from animals to plants
He made me sit at the table in the middle of the hall and taught me to read sentence by sentence. I was worried and read sentence by sentence
After reading about twenty or thirty lines, he said:——
"Read it for me. If you can't recite it, you can't go to the meeting."
With that he got up and went into the room
I seem to have poured a basin of cold water on my head. But, what can I do? Naturally, I read, read, remember, and memorize
It describes "I"'s ardent hope for the five rampant societies and father's obstruction, shows father's ignorance and separation of children's psychology, and implicitly criticizes the irrationality of feudal ideology and customs. Lu Xun expresses children's helplessness and boredom when their parents ignore their children's psychology
When a person only has memories, his life is boring, but sometimes he doesn't even have memories
Mr. Lu Xun said, "these ten articles are copied from memory, which are different from the actual content. However, I only remember them now." this shows that when he was quoting, he had no clear memory of the writing situation of the article at that time, but the article did exist, so he felt very contradictory, "since memory is beautiful, But many of them are missing and forgotten. "This is one of his ways of expression. Many of Lu Xun's articles are in the tone of this essay, with some thinking and criticism
As long as you see a tall white hat and the shadow of a broken banana fan in his hand, you will be a little nervous and happy. People are familiar with ghosts, but they are the most intimate. They often meet him. Death is changeable, black face, black clothes, no one likes to see. There are also some in the "Yin diejian", with their chest against the wall, Stand grimly; that's a real "hit the wall."
It is full of the author's admiration and admiration for the impermanence of life. First, it compares the fear of him when he was a child with the admiration of him now, and also compares the fatalness of King Yama with the horror of impermanence of death, highlighting the kindness of impermanence of life

Good words and good sentences

Good words: thousands of mountains are green, thousands of mountains are full of different forms, mountains are bold, mountains are clear, mountains are high, trees are luxuriant, valleys are under the valley, Qinghai is green, mountains are beautiful, mountains are beautiful, grass is barren, clouds and fog are twining, peaks are towering, mountains are majestic, mountains are clustered, mountains are pure, carefree, free and free from worries, dentistry