Change with each passing day

Change with each passing day

Up to now, with the rapid development of Internet, the boundary between TV and computer begins to blur. Some experts predict that TV will become a comprehensive digital home terminal with communication, Internet and TV functions

Ask the meaning of a sentence

We can talk about the surface meaning and deep meaning. We can also talk about the author's thoughts and feelings

Please use one word in each of Zhang's three meanings and write a sentence
Look, look
Open, open

1. [look around] - Tong Tong looks around in class, not paying attention
2. There is no chaos in grandma's study
3. The boat on the sea is sailing in the wind

One sentence composition inspired me
If it's at home

It happened on a summer afternoon. The sun was like a big fireball hanging high in the air, and there was no wind. The flowers and plants were listless and drowsy. Even the Cypress oil road was soft and printed with a deep wheel mark. I was walking on the way to school, wearing a hat, but still sweating. How I looked forward to eating ice cream now