My parents and I revise the composition together The last two days. The theme is: Dad (or mom) and I revise the scene description of the composition together

My parents and I revise the composition together The last two days. The theme is: Dad (or mom) and I revise the scene description of the composition together

The memory that I cherish in my heart is endless. The memory that my mother and I live together is also endless,
Will make me sweeter than honey
I have a love my mother, my mother is a simple, kind-hearted person, but also a hard-working person. My mother helps me cook every day, in fact, my mother
I can't cook. Later, because my father was busy with work, my mother became our cook
My father and I both think mom's cooking is not delicious. We can see that mom is very sad, but after countless studies and attempts by mom,
She can cook delicious food at last. My mother cooks for me early every day. Sometimes when I come back late, I will send a message to my mother
Temper, think about it. I should be considerate of my mother, not like this. But my mother is silent instead, and does not care about anything with me
I know that my mother loves me, and I can't do anything for her. Sometimes my mother came back from hard work and hurried home to cook
There are always funny things happen. Either when cooking, there is no switch, or when burning, it is to break plates, bowls and so on. The funniest thing is to eat
When my mother was copying vegetables, when she got to the tap, the water she used to copy vegetables was drunk by her mother. It was tap water! My mother was busy
I've forgotten everything. At this time, I feel a twinge of bitterness in my nose, and my tears almost fall down! "
There was a time when I was with my mother. I didn't want the relationship between my mother and my daughter, but like a good friend, I chatted with her and went out together
Play. There was a time, also bickering, time with my mother, very happy. My mother did not look like an elder, in front of me
My mother is very kind, also very concerned about me. Always nagging me this, nagging me that. But I know that although my mother is very nagging, but it is for my good
Because she loves me! Mother, your painstaking efforts, I know, I will let myself get excellent results, when I grow up, I will repay you well and let your life be better
Mom, I love you. Your kindness to me will always reverberate in my mind, and I will always remember this wonderful memory

My father and mother's dispute composition 400 words, urgent

Parents are our closest people, but sometimes we can't help arguing with each other because of some things. You all have the experience of arguing with your parents! Of course, I also have the experience of arguing with my parents. Now let's listen to me slowly. One day, I was reading the text. When I read "tears are full of clothes when I first heard it", I stood in the audience

Composition my teacher (300 ~ 400 words)

My teacher
Although Mr. He is only in his thirties, he has a lot of white hair on his head and wrinkles on his face. But he is always smiling and energetic
Mr. He is our head teacher and Chinese teacher. His lectures are very humorous and funny. In class, he often makes us laugh. In this laughter, the students learn knowledge quickly and well. Once, the teacher asked us to divide the text level. It was a scene writing article. The length was too long, and the students couldn't distinguish. They were all worried. The teacher didn't ask us to answer immediately, But let's recall our travel experience. The students' face turned cloudy and sunny, and then the teacher guided us to analyze the scenic spots, routes and mood of this article, and let us draw a schematic diagram. Chinese class has become an art class. Some of them are very vivid and happy to shake their heads. Finally, let's write down our travel feelings. Ah, the scene is so moving! All of a sudden, "Sand, sand, sand", a thousand strokes racing, just like the ancient battlefield in the desert, thousands of horses galloping! My heart is not in the classroom, and I go back to the "Happy Valley" again. Unconsciously, I write more than 800 words. Just after writing, I was taken by the old teacher. He read it out in class and won the applause of the students. After class, many students gathered around, Outside the window also shouts "good", this joyful sound caused a sensation entire campus
In order to let us learn more knowledge after class, teacher he often bought us books, carefully designed thinking questions, and guided us to read quickly. In daily life, teacher he was like our nanny. Once, when I was doing exercises, teacher he found that I was uncomfortable in time, and immediately asked the class to help me to the school medical room. When I heard the teacher kindly ask, "are you better?" I was very moved, There were several male students in the class who made the teacher angry every day. Later, for several weeks, teacher he, who never played badminton, was not normal. After school, he played badminton with those students, talking and laughing. Soon, they became good students in the class. Once when I was sick, I didn't go to school. The teacher was very concerned about me and always asked my classmates to come home to see me, When I was sick, my grades didn't fall, but rose. The teacher didn't take the credit to himself, but praised me in class. I couldn't help crying and stood up and said, "no! Teacher, this is the result of your hard education!"
When the teacher smiles, the wrinkles on his face are deeper! I think it's all the result of the teacher's hard work for us
When it comes to the teacher, the image of standing high on the platform and being unsmiling always gives students a sense of fear. But today I'm going to talk about teacher ou, but it doesn't have the "tall" image above, and even acts in the opposite way
As the commander-in-chief of our class, Mr. ou should be domineering and not angry. However, he is just like our classmates, joking and having fun. He is a king of children, who is funny and close to others. Every morning, as soon as we step into the campus, we can always see a "chicken flock standing tall" figure rushing left and right in the pursuit of our male classmates, laughing and shouting, I don't know who he is. You should know that teacher Ou is playing football among the male students in our class. At this time, the female students in our class can't help but become the audience, cheering for this rare campus scene. And our old teacher ou will be more and more forgetful, waving and cheering to us from time to time, Ten football stars on the football field. This was nothing, but later he made it even worse. He even asked us girls to run five laps every morning, which is also a good name: health is the capital of revolution, and health is the greatest wealth of life. This move naturally made us, the weak "big girls" in our family, suffer a lot. Under the tide of protest, Our teacher Ou finally had to promise that he would take the lead and run five more laps. Seeing our class teacher charging in front of us, he was miserable. A kind of joy that he had to take from himself made this "running" incident come to an end. Strange to say, since then, my class cadre who was responsible for registering sick leave has become a vacant post of "hanging sheep's head to sell dog meat"
Mr. Ou has another "strange". Every noon, he is always busy in the classroom. Don't think he is making up lessons for us. He has never been so diligent. He is setting up a challenge arena in the classroom, such as chess, go, military chess He often said: life is like chess. We should always have an enterprising heart and think hard. We should not be happy with things and we should not feel sorry for ourselves. The most hateful thing is that he boasted that he was invincible in the class. This aroused great public indignation. All the students in the class shared a common hatred. For a long time, the class set off an upsurge of playing chess. Even we female students were unwilling to defeat our teachers, More and more times Miss Ou has been defeated, and our sense of success is also growing. We don't know how happy we are when we listen to the teacher's awe inspiring feelings. Strange to say, when Miss Ou's challenge arena is put down, the male students who usually like chasing become quiet, and even the discipline breaking king is determined to show his skill on the chessboard, We quiet little girls are also willing to compete with our male classmates
What's more strange is the homework assigned by teacher ou. Other students always copy, write, read and recite their homework. However, our teacher Ou's homework is always so unconventional. He will ask you to organize a hand copied newspaper every week, prepare a debate contest or story meeting every week, and ask you to collect wrong words outside the campus, Go to the community to do an investigation and Research on environmental pollution; even ask you to do a Book of your own God, in his eyes, we are all painters, lawyers, environmentalists Even big writers. But strange, students are always happy and tireless with these assignments. Even the big "underhanded" students often appear on the honor list with outstanding performance
There are many "strange" things that appear in Mr. ou. However, as time goes on, we can see no strange things, but we can be sure of one thing. We are the "strange" teachers we like most. I really hope Mr. ou will be our class teacher next semester!
Childhood, childhood, youth, one by one transparent day, always like a piece of sapphire, condensing every drop of tears of laughter, white paper coated with the color of dream, also records a lot of joy when we are together, teacher, teacher's Day is coming, I want to say to you: "teacher, thank you!"
Teacher, do you remember when I was in the first grade, I was crying and crying and I had to find my mother. You frowned and bought me lollipops and ice cream. I was still crying and crying. As a result, a large part of your clothes got dirty, but you were not angry. That day, you told me the story of ugly duckling. From then on, I feel you are beautiful
Teacher, do you remember? I was a timid little girl when I was a child. In class, I didn't dare to raise my hand to answer the teacher's questions. I was afraid that the wrong answers would make my classmates laugh at me. It was your arrival that changed all this. That day, when you were learning "laotieniu", you asked a question. None of the students in the class felt like raising their hands, but I happened to review that question, Raise your hand or not? What if the answer is wrong? My heart beat a drum. At this time, you gave me an encouraging look. I succeeded. Since then, I have become more and more lively, and my grades are getting better and better day by day. My classmates all say that I have changed from an ugly duckling to a white swan
It's March 3 of the next year. Kites are flying all over the sky. Teacher, do you remember? On the day of this year's Kite Festival, you took our class to the playground to fly kites. The students took out their kites, including geese, eagles, swallows, colorful kites, all kinds of kites. Running, flying, kites flying in the blue sky, kites accompanied by white clouds and blue sky, we are running below, Jump, feel very happy, smile on your face, happiness in our hearts, and you together, we always have endless happiness
Teacher, our days together will always have so much joy, our growth is inseparable from your hard sweat, my every progress is the crystallization of your sweat. You are busy for the bloom of flowers and the maturity of fruits, teacher's Day is coming, I want to say: "thank you, teacher!"
Teachers are hardworking gardeners, watering the flowers of our motherland, teachers give us a lot of knowledge, let us roam in the ocean of knowledge. Teachers give us the truth of life, so that we benefit a lot. For us, teachers worry a lot, spend a lot of effort
My Chinese teacher is an excellent teacher. We all call her Miss Lu. She has a cherry like mouth, a pair of bright and bright eyes, and a long golden hair dotted with a melon like face