Description of the cleaner's words, details!

Description of the cleaner's words, details!

Snow falls like petals. It falls on the roof, on the trees, and on the river. The world becomes a silvery white world. (begin with scenery description. This description of snow scenery has three functions: 1. Explain the time; 2. The actions of the characters are directly related to snow; 3. Set off the pure soul of the characters with snow.)
In the morning, I went shopping. Whoa, whoa, I looked at the voice and saw a vague figure. Tall, thin, with a broom, moving forward slowly. It was him, an old dustman I saw every day. He was still so early, still the same, This is the first time. "I" stands in the distance, so I can only see a vague figure Outline: "tall, thin."
When I passed him, I saw a pair of kind eyes, an old, wrinkled, weather beaten face. At this time, he was sweeping the snow attentively, so conscientious, so serious, He first sweeps the snow into piles, then picks it up, and then staggers into the garbage
Suddenly, he noticed that not far away, the original sewer was blocked. He quickly walked over and dug out the snow bit by bit with his dry hands like gray bark (the third description of appearance, the hand of the old man) (the second description of appearance. "I" came to "his side", so I could describe the face in detail.) until it passed, His face showed a comfortable smile. However, his hands were red with cold. He didn't care, as if he had been used to it. He then swept forward, and the tall figure gradually disappeared, leaving a clean road behind him, The description of the old man's appearance is consistent with his long-term work and his extremely serious and responsible attitude. Therefore, the description of the old man's appearance plays a role in praising the character's soul
Snow is white, and the heart of the white haired cleaner is purer and more beautiful than snow

Writing about details and environment description

On the way home from school, I have been walking for seven or eight years, from kindergarten to primary school
Until junior high school, I have been carrying a heavy schoolbag home. But since I entered middle school, I am very happy
Only then discovered before and now on the way to school the difference
I remember when I was in kindergarten, every day after school, I came to the kindergarten door
At that time, as soon as he saw me,
Will be like magic like from the pocket of a small box, the box contains a lot of delicious food
Things: chocolate, Jiajia milk candy, spicy Guoba On the way home from school,
As soon as I see my favorite toys, I pester my grandfather to buy them. My grandfather can't beat me, and he's right
At that time, on my way home from school,
As the happiest moment of the day
After primary school, as I grew up, I began to go home alone, even without my grandfather
My little box, but I'm surrounded by my "friends". Everyone talks and laughs,
Ha ha, shouting, sometimes chasing and fighting, immersed in a relaxed and happy atmosphere
I think the road after school is the most relaxing moment in my study and life
In junior high school, I broke up with my good friend and went to Fudan No.2 Middle School which is far away from home
School. On the way home from school, I was alone
At that time, it was already late, surrounded by lights, my stomach was empty, my heart was empty
Is empty, as if lost something. Every time the effort to squeeze on the bus, not a small
When my heart is squeezing others or stepping on others, it will immediately cause a burst of abuse, and I have to turn to others
Whenever I carry a heavy schoolbag alone, I walk silently in the streets
Walking on the way home, I felt very lonely, and the kindergarten constantly came into my mind
And primary school after school on the way to the scene, fantasy can reproduce, I really miss ah!
On the way home from school, a small figure walked silently on the street
It's like a lone goose flying in the boundless sky
But I deeply know that with the growth of my age, the family affection and children's interest in my childhood have changed
Leave me, I am growing up, to meet new challenges

Which two sentences can best reveal Deng Jiaxian's noble personality?

Deng Jiaxian is the son of the highest spirit of dedication bred by thousands of years of Chinese culture
Deng Jiaxian is an ideal member of the Communist Party of China