The historical story of civilization and etiquette =V=

The historical story of civilization and etiquette =V=

stand in the snow to wait upon master cheng respectfully
Yang Shi (1053? 1135) was a very talented talent in the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a general musician in nanjianzhou (now in Fujian). After he won the Jinshi, he gave up his official career and continued to study

Use concise language to narrate a collection of civilization etiquette history story

Let the leaders go first
Karamay fire, countless teachers and students trapped, every leader inspection, including teachers shouting: let the leader go first!
As a result, the leader was safe and sound, so the pupils died
This story shows that we should start from the students to sacrifice the ego and achieve the ego,
For the future of the party and the country, we must have the courage to sacrifice