Deng Jiaxian, lesson one. What qualities does the cold spring incident reflect? Just do me a favor. Thank you very much

Deng Jiaxian, lesson one. What qualities does the cold spring incident reflect? Just do me a favor. Thank you very much

Deng Jiaxian's excellent spiritual quality is first shown in his efforts to return to China, and even can be regarded as a model. He is indomitable and can't wait to serve his country. His dedication, selflessness, perseverance, hard work, dedication, enthusiasm, humility, good at unity and cooperation on all occasions after returning to China make people really feel his valuable quality and spiritual outlook

Deng Jiaxian's life story
The students of class 5, grade 2 of Bishan middle school are standing up

Deng Jiaxian's grandfather was a famous calligrapher and seal Carver in the Qing Dynasty. His father was a famous aesthetician and art historian. After the July 7th incident, his family stayed in Beijing. At the age of 16, Deng Jiaxian went to Jiangjin, Sichuan Province with his sister to finish high school. He studied in the Department of physics of Southwest Associated University from 1941 to 1945, and was educated by Wang Zhuxi, Zheng Huachi and other famous professors

My father's composition is 400 words
My father
Requirements: ① write out Dad's personality characteristics. ② show dad's characteristics through typical events. ③ smooth sentences and writing
Then tell me a few "military heroes" in the "peaceful years"
I hope someone can answer quickly

People often say that my father's love is like a mountain, but in my opinion, my father's love for me is not as severe as a mountain, but sometimes as gentle as water. My father is a man of culture and high moral character. Although he is not as rich as other parents, he pays no less for me than other children, or even better than them