Do you know any poems about sorrow? Please give examples and explain their characteristics

Do you know any poems about sorrow? Please give examples and explain their characteristics

Red lips in the shop
Lonely boudoir, tender heart an inch, worry thousand wisps. Cherish spring to go, a few urge flower rain
Leaning on the fence, just no mood! Where is the man? The withering grass, looking back
Add words to pick mulberry
Who planted banana trees in front of the window? The atrium is full of shade
Sad pillow three rain, bit by bit Lin; bit by bit Lin, sad damage northerners, not used to listen!
Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves through the forest. Why not sing and walk slowly? Bamboo sticks and sandals are better than horses. Who's afraid? A drizzle of smoke and rain will last forever
When I look back, it's always bleak. When I go back, there's no rain or sunshine
Su Shi's dingfengbo
Yu Meiren
Jiang Jie
Young people listen to the rain song upstairs,
The red candle is dim
Listening to the rain in my prime,
The wild goose calls the west wind
Now I listen to the rain,
The temples are already full of stars
It's hard to be sad and happy,
A little bit before the end of the day
Wutong, Li Qingzhao is looking for a cold and clear and desolate and miserable. When it gets cold, it is the most difficult to rest. Three cups of light wine, how to fight against him, and the wind coming in late, and the wild geese are sad, but they are old acquaintances. The yellow flowers are stacked up and haggard. Now who can pick them? How can they be born alone?
Li Qingzhao's "Wutong" regardless of day and night, and how little he is worried about. "Writing this sorrow, writing rain and writing rain," he said. "Rain and rain are all in a dense line."
Wen Ting Yun's more leak: Wutong tree, three more rain, not a sad departure.
Thousands of miles in QingCaoHu lake, one person walking in huangmeiyu. Sad to see the beach at night, the wind turns dark, the waves beat the boat
A sad look at the moon in the palace, a broken heart in the rain at night
Huanxisha: Northern Song and Qin Dynasties
I went to the small building in the cold,
Xiaoyin rogue is like poor autumn
Light smoke, flowing water and quiet screen
The flying flowers are as light as a dream,
The endless rain is as thin as sorrow
A small silver hook hangs on the curtain
Qin Guan's "free flying flower is light as a dream, boundless silk rain is fine as sorrow" describes the flower and rain with ingenious metaphor and unique style. The poet does not say that the dream is like flying flower and sorrow is like drizzle, but that the flying flower is like dream and drizzle is like sorrow. It turns the concrete into abstract and the limited into infinite, leaving a novel and mysterious artistic blank
How much leisure and sorrow are there? A river of tobacco, a city full of wind and catkins, plum yellow and rainy --- he Zhu
In he Zhu's "how much leisure and sorrow is there? A river of tobacco, wind and catkins all over the city, plum and yellow rain", the poet describes the sorrow as a specific image, using the river bank's smoky grass, willow catkins rippling with the wind, and the continuous rain when plum ripens in the south of the Yangtze River to describe the leisure and sorrow
Spring leads to sorrow and rain. I think of the past, but I feel sad (Liu Rushi's jinmingchi)
At the end of the building, I can't dream of five o'clock. At the end of the flower, I feel sad about the March rain
In Yan Shu's poem "the dream at the top of the building is broken at five o'clock, and the sorrow at the bottom of the flower is in March". The spring rain in March is like a thread, endless, smoke like fog, lingering and hard to send. It is just like the lingering bitterness in the heart of an abandoned woman

Please help to explain partial negation and total negation in English. What are these words? And give some examples. Thank you

All, both, everybody, everyone, everything, etc. are all affirmative. When not is used with these words expressing all affirmative meaning (not before or after) it means partial negation
No one, none, neither, nothing, nobody, not... Any, no + nouns mean all negation

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