This paper divides Sun Quan's persuasion into two parts and summarizes the meaning of the paragraph

This paper divides Sun Quan's persuasion into two parts and summarizes the meaning of the paragraph

The first level can be summarized as Sun Quan's persuasion
The second meaning can be summarized as Lu Su praises Lu Meng

This paper divides Sun Quan's persuasion into two parts and sums up the different meanings

The first paragraph: from the beginning to shuruogu, the second paragraph: from solitude to the end

Sun Quan's persuasion is divided into two levels. What are the contents of his persuasion

It can be divided into two layers The first level: Sun Quan's talk with Lu Meng, the object of his persuasion. The second level: Lu Su's talk with Lu Meng.)

Sun Quan divided the passage into two levels and summarized the meaning

1. Sun Quan encouraged learning. 2. LV Meng went to school
I think it should be three levels:
1. Sun Quan encouraged learning. 2. Lu Meng went to school. 3. Lu Su praised learning