What's one and four times two and five times two

What's one and four times two and five times two

Equal to (5 / 4) × (12 / 5) = 3

How much is 15 out of 17 times 4 out of 5 times 17 out of 30?


(): 5 = 9 of 15 = 17 ()
(): 2 = 11 of 4 = (): () = 12 ()
If the number of female students in a class is one fourth more than that of male students, the ratio between the number of female students and that of male students is (): (), the ratio between the number of male students and that of female students is (): (), and the ratio between the number of female students and that of the whole class is (): ()
If the side length ratio of two rectangles is 4: then their perimeter ratio is (): (), area ratio is (): (), and the edge length ratio of two rectangles is 3: then their surface area ratio is (): (), and volume ratio is (): ()

(3) : 5 = 9 of 15 = 17 (51 / 5)
(5.5): 2 = 11 out of 4 = (22): (8) = 33 out of 12
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One minus five seventeen is equal to one

12 out of 17