Is a machine cycle counted by 51 single chip counter once? Is it a machine cycle?

Is a machine cycle counted by 51 single chip counter once? Is it a machine cycle?

The counter of single chip microcomputer counts the number of external input pulses, and the cycle of pulses should be at least twice that of the machine, otherwise, it can't count normally

41.2 * 8.1 + 11 * 9 and 1 / 4 + 537 * 0.19=

Original formula = 41.2 * (10-1.9) + 11 * (10-0.75) + 537 * 0.19
=(537—412)*0.19 + 412 + 110—11*0.25*3
= 125*0.19 + 412 + 110 —11*0.25*3
=0.25*(19*5-11*3)+412+ 110

The law of multiplicative distribution is a common tool. The calculation is 41.2 × 8.1 + 11 × 9.25 + 537 × 0.19


Four times of 4.8 is more than six times of a number. 12 what is the equation for finding this number?

This number is X
Then 4.8 × 4-6x = 12