How much is the difference between 35 heads and 92 legs

How much is the difference between 35 heads and 92 legs

35 heads, 35 in all
Cut off all two legs, cut off 70 legs, the remaining 22 legs belong to rabbits, so there are 11 rabbits, so there are 24 chickens

I'm going to ask another question. The solution of the system of linear equations with two variables=
x+y= 35
Do it again with substitution method and verification method

Substituting into formula 2, we get 2 (35-y) + 4Y = 94
So, y = 12
So, x = 35-12 = 23
Method 2
X + y = 35, i.e. x = 35-y,
2 (x + 2Y) = 94, i.e. x + 2Y = 47, i.e. x = 47-2y
That is: 35-y = 47-2y, that is: y = 47-35 = 12, x = 23

Now there are 38 chickens and 98 rabbits in the same cage. How many chickens and rabbits are there!

There are x chickens and Y rabbits. Each chicken and rabbit has only one head. Each chicken has two feet and each rabbit has four feet
The solution is: x = 27, y = 11
There are 27 chickens and 11 rabbits

With the same number of chickens and rabbits in the same cage, the number of chicken legs is 18 less than that of rabbit legs. How many chickens and rabbits are there?

X = 9, 9 chickens and 9 rabbits