How much is 1 / 4 less than 2 / 5? What is the 1 / 5 quotient of the sum of 1 / 3 and 1 / 2 of the solution of the equation?

How much is 1 / 4 less than 2 / 5? What is the 1 / 5 quotient of the sum of 1 / 3 and 1 / 2 of the solution of the equation?

64 * 1 / 2 (7) = 25, 7 / 8 of a is equal to 4 / 9 of B, number a is 56, find number B. (56 * 7 / 8) / 4 / 9 = 110.25, calculate 1 / 4 of a number is 15 less than 2 / 5, what's the number? 2x / 5-x / 4 = 15, x = 100, sum of 1 / 3 and 1 / 2 of solution of equations, remove 1 / 5 of 5, the quotient is more

15 times of a number plus the product of 3.8 and 12 get 87.6. What's the number? Set up equations and find out the solution of the equation

Let this number be X
Then 15x + 3.8 × 12 = 87.6
A: the number is 28

What is 600 divided by a quarter?


How about 600 divided by x-600 divided by 2x equals 10


What's 48 divided by 25, and what's the rest?

48 divided by 25 means that 25 is a divisor and 48 is a dividend. That is 48 divided by 25 means that 48 is a divisor and 25 is a divisor, that is, 25 is divided by 48

How many fourths is equal to three and how many twenties is equal to, how many is equal to, how many is equal to divided by how many is equal to 3.5

What grade

What's six divided by three and two
It's a process


What is 30 + 50 + 70 + 90 + 110 + 130 + 150 multiplied by what

30 + 50 + 70 + 90 + 110 + 130 + 150 is 90 times 7

How much is 50 minutes multiplied by 110 yuan? How much is 10 minutes multiplied by 110 yuan?


How much is 365 times 15

365 times 15 = 5475