2 3 4 15 12 3 4 5 28 20 4 5 6 45 30 5 6 7 66 42 5 7 8 56 What is the question mark and why

2 3 4 15 12 3 4 5 28 20 4 5 6 45 30 5 6 7 66 42 5 7 8 56 What is the question mark and why

Remove a certain number with 5 / 28, 15 / 56, 45 / 42 respectively, and the quotient obtained is an integer. What is the minimum number?
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The first is a fraction. If they are multiplied by a number y / x, then Y / X is required to be large enough, that is, X is very small, which is the greatest common divisor 5 of 5,15,45, y is n times of the smallest common divisor 28,56,42, that is, 168N, the number is 5 / 168N, n is a positive integer, and when n approaches infinity, 5 / 168N is the smallest, that is, 0,
The minimum number does not exist, only the maximum number is 5 / 168