Calculation method of 204-198 + 192-186. + 24-18 + 12-6 arithmetic sequence

Calculation method of 204-198 + 192-186. + 24-18 + 12-6 arithmetic sequence

=6+6+…… +6+6

204-198 + 192-186 ····· + 24-18 + 12-6] use a simple method to calculate

All numbers differ by 6, so there are (204-6) / 6 + 1 = 34 numbers from 204 to 6
The above number can be written as a group of two, namely (204-198) + (192-186) + (12-6)
The number of each group was 6, and there were 34 / 2 = 17 groups
So the number is: 17 * 6 = 102

How to calculate 204-198 +. + 12-6?

Never die old
Let's see how many sixes there are
Just multiply

Calculation: 18 ° 15 ′ 36 ″=______ °;118°18′-66°23′=______ .

18 ° 15 ′ 36 ″ = 18.26 °, 118 ° 18 ′ - 66 ° 23 ′ = 51 ° 55 ′

The factorization formula is 2042 + 204 × 192 + 962


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Simple calculation of 10000 / (80 / 24 / 12)

10000÷ (80÷ 24÷ 12)
=10000X24X12÷ (8X10)
=1000X24X12÷ 8
=1000X12X(24÷ 8)