The square iron sheet with an area of 108 square centimeters is made into a square box without cover. The surface area of the box should be as large as possible. What is the size of the box

The square iron sheet with an area of 108 square centimeters is made into a square box without cover. The surface area of the box should be as large as possible. What is the size of the box

The side length of square iron sheet is 108, root number = 6 times root number 3
If you want to seamlessly assemble a cube box, you need to cut off four squares of the same size on the four corners, and cut off the side length of the square to be the same as the length of the remaining sheet iron
So the side length of the cut square is 6 times root 3 divided by 3 = 2 times root 3
So the volume of a cube box is 2 times the third power of radical 3, 24 times the third power of radical 3
The surface area is 108-4 * 2 times the square of root 3 = 60

A square iron sheet with an area of 108 square centimeters is made into a square box without cover. What is the sum of the area of the five sides of the box


The line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = 0.5x-1, and intersects with the line 2x-3y + 1 = 0 at the same point with the Y axis?


The line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = 0.5-1, and intersects with the line 2x-3y + 1 = 0 at the same point on the y-axis

The line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = 0.5x-1
It intersects with the line 2x-3y + 1 = 0 at the same point on the y-axis
When x = 0, y = 1 / 3

If the line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = 1-x / 2 and intersects with the line x + 3y-1 = 0 at the same point on the Y axis, then k = B=

k=-1/2 b=1/3

If the line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = 2x-1 and intersects with the line y = 5x + 3 at the same point on the Y axis, then K=

Brilliant twinkle
Two lines are parallel, K is equal
Y-axis intersection
So y = 3
So B = 3
I hope my answer will help you
I wish you a bright future and awesome things!

If the line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = - 2x and intersects with another line y = x + 3 at a point on the Y axis, then the analytic expression of the function of the line is ()

∵ if the line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = - 2x,
The line y = - 2x + B
∵ intersects another line y = x + 3 at a point on the y-axis,
When x = 0, y = x + 3 = 3
When x = 0, y = - 2x + B = b
Then the analytic expression of this line is y = - 2x + 3

Given that the line y = KX + B and the line y = 2x-3 intersect at the same point on the Y-axis and pass through the point (m, 6) on the line y = - 3x, the analytical formula is obtained

From the solution of the problem y = KX + B and y = 2x-3 intersect at (0, - 3), y = - 3x intersect at (m, 6), | 6 = - 3M, | M = - 2, | − 3 = B6 = − 2K + B, the analytic expression of K = − 92B = − 3 | line is y = − 92x − 3

If the line y = KX + B is parallel to the line y = - 3x + 1 and intersects another line y = 2x + 3 at a point on the x-axis, then the analytical expression of the line is_________

According to the theme
Because y = 2x + 3 passes the point (- 3 / 2,0)
So the straight line is

The line y = KX + B passes through the intersection a of y = 3x-5 and y = - 2x + 10, y = KX + B intersects Y axis at B, y = - 2x + 10 intersects Y axis at C, if s △ a
If s △ ABC is equal to 12, k =? b=?

The simultaneous equations can be solved as follows: the coordinates of a point are (3,4) y = KX + B, the coordinates of Y axis are B (0, b) y = 2x + 10, and the coordinates of Y axis are C (0,10). Because s = 12, the absolute value of BC side length is (B-10) = 12 * 2 / 3 = 8; then B = 2 or 18, while the line y = KX + B passes through a point, 4 = 3K + B will be substituted. When B = 2, k = 2 / 3; when B = 18, k =