On the equation of X: / / X / + A-3 / = a, there are only two solutions. To find the value range of a, note that "/" is the sign of absolute value

On the equation of X: / / X / + A-3 / = a, there are only two solutions. To find the value range of a, note that "/" is the sign of absolute value

a> 1.5 or a = 0 is not necessarily right

|X + 1 | + | 2x-3 | > 4 (remove the sign of absolute value and find the value range of x)

Discuss separately
1. When x > = 3 / 2, x + 1 + 2x-3 > 4 means x > 2, then x > 2
2. When - 1=

Find the maximum value of the function y = (2sinx-1) / (SiNx + 3)
Such as the title

Because - 1=

Given the square absolute value x + 2a-1 of function f (x) = ax (a is a real constant)
1. If a = 1, find the monotone interval of F (x)
2. If a > 0, the minimum value of F (x) in [1,2] is g (a), find the expression of G (a)
3. Let H (x) = f (x) / x, if the function H (x) is an increasing function in the interval [1,2], find the value range of real number a
Better be more detailed=

F (- 3) = f (1) = 0, so the axis of symmetry is x = 1 / 2 (- 3 + 1) = - 1
Therefore, the original equation can be reduced to f (x) = a (x + 1) ^ 2 + C
Substituting f (1) = 0 into: a (1 + 1) ^ 2 + C = 0
So the original equation is: F (x) = a (x + 1) ^ 2-4a
Substituting f (0) = - 3 into: a-4a = - 3
So f (x) = (x + 1) ^ 2-4
Then f (x) = 2x
X = root number 3
Answer: the solution set is x = root number 3

If the image of the quadratic function y = - x2 + MX-1 has two different intersections with the line AB whose two ends are a (0,3), B (3,0), then the value range of M is______ .

It is known that the equation of line segment AB is y = - x + 3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3). Because there are two different intersections between quadratic function image and line segment AB, the equations y = − x2 + MX − 1y = − x + 3, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3 have two different real solutions. The elimination result is: X2 - (M + 1) x + 4 = 0 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3), Let f (x) = X2 - (M + 1) x +

Given that the domain of definition of function f (x) is (- 2,2), function g (x) = f (x-1) + F (3-2x). (1) find the domain of definition of G (x) (2) if f (x) is an odd function and monotonically decreasing on the domain, find the inequality g (x)

(1) In order to make g (x) meaningful, then: - 2 < X-1 < 2 (1) - 2 < 3-2x < 2 (2)) from (1), - 1 < x < 3 from (2), 1 / 2 < x < 5 / 2 ‖ 1 / 2 < x < 5 / 2 ‖ g (x) is defined as (1 / 2,5 / 2) (2) g (x) ≤ 0, that is, f (x-1) + F (3-2x) ≤

A math problem - the function of grade one in Senior High School
The value of 1 'formula LG & # 5 + lg2lg50?
2'evaluation: lg5 (LG8 + lg1000) + (LG2 √ & # 179;) &# 178; + LG1 / 6 + lg0.06


1. Judge the parity of the function y = x to the second power - 3|x| + quarter (x belongs to real number), and point out its monotone interval
2. Given that the image of quadratic function y = f (x) passes through the origin, and f (x-1) = f (x) + X-1, find the expression of F (x)

The domain of definition is r, symmetric about the origin, so it's an even function
Opening up, so 0

1. Given that the domain of function f (x) is (1,3), what is the domain of function y = f (x-1) + F (4-x)
2. Let f (x) be a linear function and f [f (x)] = 4x + 3, then f (x) =?

1: The domain is (1,3)
2: Let f (x) = ax + B
=>F (x) = 2x + 1 or F (x) = - 2x-3

1. If the domain of function y = f (x) is [0,1], then the domain of function f (x) = f (x + a) + F (2x + a) (0 < a < 1) is?
2. Given the function f (x) = 1 / 2x & sup2; - x + 3 / 2, whether there is a real number m, so that the domain of definition and range of value of the function are [1, M] (M > 1)? If there is, find the value of M; if not, explain the reason

1 [-a/2,(1-a)/2]
2 F (x) = (x-1) ^ 2 / 2 + 3 / 2 when x > 1, f (x) increases monotonically
When the domain is [1, M], the maximum value is obtained when x = m, because the domain is also [1, M]
So m = f (m), substituting M = 1 / 2m ^ 2-m + 3 / 2
The solution is m = 1,3 (M > 1)
So m = 3