The difference between transverse force bending and pure bending is that under () condition, the formula for calculating the normal stress of pure bending can be used to calculate the normal stress of transverse force bending

The difference between transverse force bending and pure bending is that under () condition, the formula for calculating the normal stress of pure bending can be used to calculate the normal stress of transverse force bending

When the ratio of span l to cross section height H L / H > 5

The distribution of normal stress and shear stress along the section height when the beam with rectangular section is bending. Where are the maximum values of normal stress and shear stress?

When the beam is under pure bending, the normal stress is linearly distributed along the height of the beam, with the maximum in the top and bottom, and 0 in the middle
When the beam is bent with shear force, the distribution of normal stress remains unchanged, and the shear stress is the largest in the neutral plane and 0

Judgment question: when the beam is bent, the composite result of the distributed stress on the cross section must be equal to the bending moment of the section

I don't know what the result of stress combination is. The result of stress multiplied by area should be the result of axial stress multiplied by area and then multiplied by the distance from the neutral axis, which is equal to the bending moment of the section

What are the characteristics of bending deformation curve and shear deformation curve

Four very common concepts, but be careful~
Bending deformation, shearing deformation, bending deformation, shearing deformation. Note that the meaning of a word is very different
Bending deformation and shear deformation: these two concepts are in the mechanics of materials and structural mechanics, which respectively refer to the deformation caused by the bending moment and shear force of a certain section in the component. They can be calculated by the bending moment and bending stiffness EI, shear force and shear stiffness GA
The characteristics of horizontal displacement curves of frame structure, shear wall structure and frame shear wall structure under lateral force are as follows
1. Frame: the lateral stiffness is small, and its displacement consists of two parts: the displacement caused by bending deformation of beam and column, the lateral displacement curve is shear type, and the interlayer displacement from bottom to top decreases; the lateral displacement caused by axial deformation of column, the lateral displacement curve is bending type, and the interlayer displacement from bottom to top increases, Therefore, the lateral displacement curve of frame structure under lateral force is mainly shear deformation
2. Shear: the lateral stiffness is large, the shear deformation of the shear wall produces displacement, and the lateral displacement is bending, that is, the interlayer displacement increases gradually from bottom to top, which is equivalent to a cantilever beam;
3. Frame shear: the displacement curve includes shear type and bending type. Due to the effect of the floor, the lateral displacement of the frame and the wall must be coordinated. At the bottom of the structure, the lateral displacement of the frame decreases; at the upper part of the structure, the lateral displacement of the shear wall decreases, and the lateral displacement curve is bending shear type. The interlayer displacement is more uniform along the height of the building, which improves the seismic performance of the frame structure and the shear wall structure, It also helps to reduce the damage of non structural components under small earthquake

Eccentric compression is actually a combination of which basic deformation forms 1. Compression and torsion 2. Compression and bending 3. Torsion and shear 4. Shear and bending

Option 2
In fact, an eccentric pressure is equivalent to a bending moment and an axial pressure

May I ask why the deformation of frame structure is shear type, and the deformation of shear wall structure is bending type, which force principle determines it

Title did not say complete, should be super high-rise under horizontal load
This is not determined by the force principle, but by the law found by numerous wind tunnel tests of the model, which is confirmed by the survey data, and then obtained the consensus of authoritative experts in the world. Under the action of horizontal load, the higher the interlayer deformation of shear wall is, the greater the deformation is, from shear deformation to bending deformation, which is the opposite of frame deformation

The main deformation of mechanical transmission shaft is (). A. tension and compression B. torsion C. shear D. bending
What is it?

Choose b > twist

What is ABC in formula method?

A quadratic coefficient, B quadratic coefficient, C constant term

English translation
ABC can improve the management and control of overhead by determining the factors driving the requirement for overhead resources.The ABC approach divides overhead into separate resources supporting the work performed in the organization.The resources could include categories such as general administration,supervision,supplies,direct labor, or utilities.Resource drivers trace costs to the activities consuming the resources.46 The costs may reflect actual consumption or may result from an estimate of the effort expended on each activity.The sum of the resource costs becomes the cost of performing an activity.ABC uses an activity driver to assign the activity costs to specific cost objects.Analysis of the activities and cost objects may identify free resources.
An ABC analysis will allow managers to pinpoint the activities,products,services,or customers consuming overhead resources.Managers can examine techniques to reduce or eliminate resource consumption.Techniques can focus on improving activity efficiency by reducing the number of times the activity must be performed, eliminating unnecessary or redundant activities,selecting a less costly alternative,or using a single activity to accomplish multiple functions.Managers can redeploy the freed-up resources for additional output or eliminate them to achieve a cost savings.
This is a paragraph in implementing activity-based costing in logistics. It mainly talks about the management and control of overhead costs in the benefits of activity-based costing

Activity based costing (ABC) can improve the management and control of overhead by determining the demand factors that drive the overhead. ABC divides the company's overhead into different parts of resources to provide for the completed work. Such resources include different types, such as General Administration, supervision, supply, etc, Direct labor or public utilities. Resource managers track the activities of resource cost consumption. Cost may reflect the real consumption or cause cost estimation in each driver. The total amount of resource consumption becomes the consumption of execution cost drivers. Activity based costing is to use cost drivers to allocate activities of specific cost objects. The analysis of cost drivers and calculation objects can determine the potential cost resources.
Activity based costing allows managers to identify drivers, products, services or overhead costs. Managers can review technology to reduce or eliminate resource consumption. Technology can eliminate unnecessary or redundant activities by reducing the number of necessary activities, Managers can reallocate additional resources to increase output or eliminate them to achieve cost savings
Translation is not good, please forgive me, for reference only

There are three numbers ABC, which are required to output in order of size, and the algorithm is represented by N-S diagram and pseudo code
-There are three numbers of ABC in C language job, which are required to be output in order of size

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