What else can we do with the experimental equipment for measuring the rated power of small bulbs?

What else can we do with the experimental equipment for measuring the rated power of small bulbs?

Ohm's law

Experimental problems of measuring rated power of small bulb
In the experiment of measuring the rated power with a small bulb, if the resistance of the voltmeter is not too large and the resistance of the ammeter is not too small, the rated power value measured by the student is too low____ (fill in "small" or "large")

Note that if the ammeter is internally connected, the voltage measured by the voltmeter is the sum of the two voltages of the bulb and the ammeter, and the resistance and voltage of the ammeter are large
P = larger UI
If the ammeter is connected externally, the current measured by the ammeter is the sum of the two currents of the bulb and the ammeter. The resistance of the voltmeter is small and the current is large
P = larger UI
In the experiment of measuring the rated power with a small bulb, if the resistance of the voltmeter is not too large and the resistance of the ammeter is not too small, the rated power value measured by the student is too low_ Big___ (fill in "small" or "large")

Measuring the rated power of small bulb
The experimental equipment includes power supply (unknown voltage), switch, sliding rheostat, 3.8V bulb, voltmeter, ammeter and wire
Which range should the voltmeter and ammeter choose when connecting the circuit (the range of ammeter is 0-0.6-3a, the range of voltmeter is 0-3-15v)

The voltmeter has no choice but 0-15v. As for the ammeter, you have to combine it with your sliding rheostat. The principle is that the maximum current in the circuit is greater than the middle value of the ammeter range, so the reading is accurate. Of course, the touch method is the most basic

In order to measure the speed of Xiaohong's 50m run, what physical quantities should be measured? Please design an experimental form to record the experimental data?

It only needs to measure the time T. according to the formula s = 0.5A times the square of T, the acceleration a can be calculated, and its instantaneous velocity can be calculated, v = at. In the table, t is the abscissa and S is the ordinate. The image is a straight line