The significance of plant respiration

The significance of plant respiration

Provide energy for the life activities of plants

The power of plant life activities mainly comes from the energy released by respiration______ (judge right or wrong)

The respiration of plants is a process in which organic matter in cells is decomposed into carbon dioxide and water with the participation of oxygen, and energy is released at the same time. Part of the released energy provides power for various life activities of organisms, and part of it is dissipated in the form of heat energy. Therefore, the power of life activities of plants mainly comes from the energy released by respiration The main power of photosynthesis is light

Need (plant): provide energy for life activities

Need green plants and algae (plants): provide energy for life activities

What is the relationship between root activity and respiration?
It's respiration, not light and energy

The root system has great vitality and absorbs more water. The photosynthesis of plants produces oxygen, which is the decomposition of water and absorbs more water. In fact, the respiration intensity is also higher. This is the knowledge of the second year of junior high school, I remember