The reason why the respiration of plants is not obvious under light is () A. Photosynthesis is strong, absorbing carbon dioxide B. respiration is not carried out under light C. photosynthesis inhibits respiration D. respiration is weakened under light

The reason why the respiration of plants is not obvious under light is () A. Photosynthesis is strong, absorbing carbon dioxide B. respiration is not carried out under light C. photosynthesis inhibits respiration D. respiration is weakened under light

A. The respiration of plants under light is not obvious, because not only respiration but also photosynthesis is carried out under light. The carbon dioxide produced by the decomposition of organic matter by respiration is absorbed by chloroplasts as raw materials for photosynthesis. B. the respiration of plants under light is the same, which is the wrong term. C. The raw materials for photosynthesis and respiration are different, so they are different But the temperature will affect the intensity of photosynthesis or respiration. D. under the light, the respiration of plants is not weakened, but because of the enhancement of photosynthesis, the carbon dioxide produced by respiration is consumed by the photosynthesis of plants, which is wrong

Design an experiment to prove that there is water in the atmosphere

1 make a completely enclosed glass box
Put the closed glass box in the refrigerator to cool down
3. Observe when the temperature drops to a certain extent
Phenomenon: water drops appear on the inner wall of the box
Phenomenon analysis: there is only air in the box, and the water droplets are formed by condensation of water vapor in the air
Conclusion: there is water vapor in the air

Design an experiment to prove that there is water vapor in the air

Add ice into the glass, the outer wall of the glass will appear condensed water, indicating that there is water vapor in the air
Or take something out of the refrigerator, such as an egg. After careful observation, the surface of the egg shell will soon be wet and there will be water droplets. This phenomenon can prove that there is water vapor in the air

Please design the experiment: 1 prove that the air contains carbon dioxide gas, 2 air contains water vapor

1. The clarified lime water exposed to air for a long time will become turbid gradually;
2. Biscuits stored in the air for a long time will become soft and no longer crisp
Organize with words~