Who is the source of oxygen in carbon dioxide produced by respiration Is it from oxygen

Who is the source of oxygen in carbon dioxide produced by respiration Is it from oxygen

No, there are two sources of carbon dioxide in respiration: aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration
1. In aerobic respiration, glucose and other organic substances are completely decomposed to produce carbon dioxide and water
2. In anaerobic respiration, pyruvate produces alcohol and carbon dioxide under the catalysis of different enzymes, or directly produces lactic acid

Plant respiration and its utilization

1. Plant respiration: it is the process that plants absorb oxygen, convert organic matter into carbon dioxide and water, and release energy. It provides energy for various life activities of plants (respiration is the demand of life), that is, the process that chloroplasts in leaves absorb water and carbon dioxide, and convert them into oxygen and glucose under light conditions
2. All organs of the plant can breathe!
3. Even the individual tissues or living cells separated from the plant can carry out respiration!
Plant respiration is a necessary process for plants to obtain energy for growth
Respiration is divided into aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. Under oxygen rich conditions, glucose in plants decomposes into water and carbon dioxide by reacting with oxygen, and releases a lot of energy to supply plants
In oxygen deficient environment, plants decompose glucose into lactic acid or alcohol, which is harmful to plants