(2008. The first mock exam in Nankai District) the plant has respiration, except for energy release. A. Starch and oxygen B. water and organics C. water and carbon dioxide D. water and inorganic salts

(2008. The first mock exam in Nankai District) the plant has respiration, except for energy release. A. Starch and oxygen B. water and organics C. water and carbon dioxide D. water and inorganic salts

Plant respiration decomposes organic matter and releases a lot of energy, which can meet the needs of plant life activities. Some of them are lost to the air in the form of heat energy. The formula of respiration is: organic matter + oxygen, mitochondrial carbon dioxide + water + energy. Respiration is a common feature of organisms

The energy released by plant respiration is mainly used to complete various life activities, such as________ Root absorption______ And organic matter______ etc.

Cell division and water decomposition in meristematic zone

The power of plant life activities mainly comes from the energy released by respiration______ (judge right or wrong)

The respiration of plants is a process in which organic matter in cells is decomposed into carbon dioxide and water with the participation of oxygen, and energy is released at the same time. Part of the released energy provides power for various life activities of organisms, and part of it is dissipated in the form of heat energy. Therefore, the power of life activities of plants mainly comes from the energy released by respiration The main power of photosynthesis is light

Judgment + reason the motive force of plant life activities mainly comes from the energy released by respiration

You can't say 100% right or wrong
Most of the energy released by plant respiration is used for plant life activities (such as absorbing inorganic salts, transporting organic matter, cell division, growth, reproduction, etc.), and a small part is converted into heat energy