What can the lightning in Miller's experiment provide for the experiment?

What can the lightning in Miller's experiment provide for the experiment?

Miller's simulated experiment (Miller's simulated experiment) is an experiment simulating the production of organic matter (especially amino acids) by thunder and lightning in the reductive atmosphere of primitive earth to demonstrate the chemical evolution process of the origin of life

What stage does Miller's experiment prove the origin of life?

Formation of organic small molecules from inorganic small molecules

What can Miller's experiment of simulating primitive earth conditions show?

It can be explained that although life could not be formed on the primitive earth, organic matter could be formed

Miller's experiment
The problem with Miller's experiment is——
Miller made the assumption that——
The function of spark discharge in the experiment is——
The gas input to the unit is——
The evidence Miller collected in the experiment is——
Miller concluded that——

The question raised by Miller's experiment is how small organic molecules (amino acids, ribose, pyrimidine, purine, etc.) are formed in the origin of life
Miller's hypothesis is that small organic molecules are formed by inorganic substances only through a series of chemical reactions
The function of spark discharge in the experiment is to simulate the lightning under the condition of primitive earth
The gas input into the device is the original atmosphere (mainly composed of water vapor, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide)
Miller's conclusion is that it is confirmed that the components of nucleic acids, nucleotides and amino acids of proteins can be synthesized under the conditions before the emergence of life, that is, the first step of the "chemical evolution theory" proposed by obalin and Haldane, from inorganic to small molecule organic, is tenable