Set a = {& Oslash;}, {& Oslash;, 1}, B = {& Oslash;, 1}, {1} Find: (1) a ∪ B (2) a ∩ B (3) A-B (4) a ∪ B - a ∩ B (5) P (a)

Set a = {& Oslash;}, {& Oslash;, 1}, B = {& Oslash;, 1}, {1} Find: (1) a ∪ B (2) a ∩ B (3) A-B (4) a ∪ B - a ∩ B (5) P (a)

A∪B - A∩B={{Ø},{1}} ,P(A)=2

On the mathematical concept of factor
The minimum factor is 17. How many numbers are there other than 1,
The answer is infinite
I asked this question, how to understand it? I can't understand it. It's a number containing two factors 17 and 1?

The factor is all the numbers that can divide the number, excluding the number itself. The topic means the number that contains the factor 17, so it is infinite!

What is a parameter

The idea of parameters is carried out in analytic geometry. For geometric variables, people use the algebraic expression containing letters to express variables. This algebraic expression is called parametric expression, and the letters are called parameters. The geometric properties of graphics and algebraic relations are used to establish integral expressions and solve problems