The tropospheric atmosphere is "hot at the top and cold at the bottom" (that is, the height rises and the temperature also rises), which is most likely to appear in the upper atmosphere early morning? noon? afternoon? Or in the evening? I feel like evening

The tropospheric atmosphere is "hot at the top and cold at the bottom" (that is, the height rises and the temperature also rises), which is most likely to appear in the upper atmosphere early morning? noon? afternoon? Or in the evening? I feel like evening

early morning
"Hot in the upper part and cold in the lower part" is inversion, generally radiation inversion. In the evening, the ground temperature decreases rapidly, which is lower than the atmospheric temperature. It starts in the evening, around sunrise, with the lowest temperature and the thickest inversion

Geography: why is it that the weather changes the most when the troposphere is hot and cold?

The density of cold and hot air is right, but it's not that the low-density air diffuses to the high-density place, but that the cold air has a high density, which is heavier than the hot air, so the cold air will sink, and after the cold air sinks, the volume of air in the upper air will decrease, and there will be air in the horizontal direction to supplement it, so the circulation will form a circulation