Where is the heat of the earth? We all know that heat flows from high temperature to low temperature? Isn't there a vacuum outside the earth's atmosphere? Vacuum can't absorb heat! So where is the heat of the earth?

Where is the heat of the earth? We all know that heat flows from high temperature to low temperature? Isn't there a vacuum outside the earth's atmosphere? Vacuum can't absorb heat! So where is the heat of the earth?

The earth receives the energy of the sun, some of which is stored in the form of chemical energy in the organism, some in the form of chemical energy in the non living substance, and some of which is lost in the form of heat energy, There are also a large number of micro particles (α particles smaller than air molecules, neutrons, protons, electrons, π mesons, μ mesons, and many other particles) that can take away the energy around the earth. Even without those micro particles, they can radiate in the form of electromagnetic waves, but the earth's energy is also lost

What are the sources of energy on earth?

Most of the plants on the earth need sunlight for photosynthesis. In the light reaction stage, solar energy is converted into chemical energy. Animals eat plants, and people eat animals and plants, so people's final energy comes from solar energy

Energy sources of the earth

If the radiant energy of the sun can heat the earth's center to several thousand degrees centigrade, what virtue will the earth's surface have to be burned? This alone proves that the energy inside the earth does not come from the sun
The internal energy of the earth comes from two aspects: during the formation of the earth, the kinetic energy of rock impact is transformed into heat energy, which makes the original earth melt into a huge magma ball; after the formation of the earth, heavy elements, including uranium, plutonium and other radioactive elements, are enriched in the core, gradually decaying and continuously releasing heat, Uranium 238 has a half-life of nearly 4.5 billion years, so we don't have to worry that the earth will be cold tomorrow

What is the main driving force of water cycle a gravitational energy B atmospheric motion C solar radiation d three state change of water

In option C, solar energy is the fundamental power of water cycle, which leads to three state changes of water, so option D is the manifestation of water cycle; option a has nothing to do with water cycle (except that rainfall will involve gravitational effect); option B has intersection between atmospheric cycle and water cycle, and the water vapor cycle in atmospheric cycle is a part of water cycle