There are two people from a to B. A rides a bicycle. B takes the train for the first half of the journey, and then takes a carriage instead of the train for the second half. The speed of the train is six times that of the bicycle, and the speed of the bicycle is two times that of the carriage______ Can you get to the destination first

There are two people from a to B. A rides a bicycle. B takes the train for the first half of the journey, and then takes a carriage instead of the train for the second half. The speed of the train is six times that of the bicycle, and the speed of the bicycle is two times that of the carriage______ Can you get to the destination first

Because the speed of the carriage is only half that of the bicycle, when the carriage completes half of the journey, the bicycle just completes the whole journey. Therefore, a arrives at the destination first

Interesting math problems ~ master into!
5 5 5 1=24
(the premise can only use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, not square and so on)


Fun + fun + fun number + fun math = 7531
My nephew's math problem is to find out which number the four words interest, taste, number and learning represent. Thank you

Fun = 6
Taste = 7
Number = 8
Learning = 0

Interesting mathematics + interesting number + interesting + interesting = 1995

Memory = a taste = B number = C science = dabcd = 1000A + 100b + 10C + DABC = 100A + 10B + cab = 10A + Ba = a left form = 1111a + 111b + 11C + D = 1995 when there is no decimal point and a is not equal to 0, a = 11995-1111 = 884, then B is not equal to 0, B = 7884-777 = 107c is not equal to 0, C