The water on the earth is in constant motion and mutual transformation. Does solar radiation belong to the main link of water cycle

The water on the earth is in constant motion and mutual transformation. Does solar radiation belong to the main link of water cycle

Solar radiation is the power of water cycle, but not the link of water cycle
The links of water cycle include evaporation, water vapor transport, surface runoff, underground runoff, precipitation, etc

Why and how does solar radiation affect atmospheric motion?

The difference of solar radiation in different places will lead to the rise of air in hot places, the formation of low pressure on the ground, and the formation of high pressure in the upper air; the sinking of air in relatively cold places, the formation of cold high pressure on the ground, and the formation of low pressure in the upper air due to the sinking of air. In this way, the horizontal pressure shaving force is generated between the high and low pressure, and the movement of the atmosphere is produced
The force of atmospheric motion is always from high pressure to low pressure. At the same time, due to the geostrophic deflection force, the northern hemisphere is biased to the right. Therefore, solar radiation is the fundamental cause of atmospheric motion

The water on the earth is in constant motion and mutual transformation. The following major links that do not belong to the water cycle are ()
A. Evaporation B. runoff C. water vapor transport D. solar radiation

Water cycle process on the earth: surface water (sea water) → evaporation → cloud → water vapor transport → cloud → precipitation → surface runoff Gravity and solar radiation are the driving forces of water cycle, but they don't belong to water cycle, so ABC belongs to water cycle, which doesn't conform to the meaning of the topic, and D doesn't belong to water cycle, which conforms to the meaning of the topic

What is the main geographical significance of water cycle

① Water is the medium of all nutrients, and the cycle of nutrients and water cycle are inextricably linked; 2. Water is a good solvent for substances, which plays the role of energy transfer and utilization in the ecosystem; 3. Water is one of the causes of geological changes, one place is the loss of mineral elements, and another place is the loss of mineral elements