What is the difference between atmospheric circulation and thermal circulation? Answer

What is the difference between atmospheric circulation and thermal circulation? Answer

The state of large-scale movement of the atmosphere, The average state of atmospheric motion of a certain atmospheric layer (such as troposphere, stratosphere, middle layer and the whole atmosphere) in a long period (such as month, season, year and many years) or the change process of atmospheric motion in a certain period (such as one week and Meiyu period) can be called atmospheric circulation
The air circulation formed by uneven surface heat and cold is called thermal circulation. It is the simplest form of atmospheric motion
The uneven heating of the air near the surface causes the upward or downward movement of the air flow, the difference of the air pressure on the same horizontal plane, the horizontal movement of the atmosphere and the formation of the thermodynamic circulation
At the same height above the ground, the weight of the air column per unit area (i.e. air pressure) in the hot place is high, while the air pressure in the upper air of the cold place is low, resulting in the formation of hot cold air flow. After the loss of air flow in the hot place, the whole air column is reduced, resulting in low pressure on the ground, high pressure in the cold place, and cold hot air flow near the ground, It forms the thermal circulation

Is atmospheric circulation the same as thermal circulation?

Atmospheric circulation is a kind of thermal circulation, but it is not equal to thermal circulation. It is formed by the influence of thermal circulation, geostrophic bias force and land sea position

The difference between dynamic circulation and thermal circulation in the three circle circulation
For example, the mid latitude circulation is dominated by dynamic circulation, and the low latitude circulation is dominated by thermal circulation
What's the difference between the two
Don't copy. I hope the explanation is clear. Thank you very much!

The formation of the low latitude circulation is due to more solar radiation near the equator, high temperature and rising air flow; similarly, the high latitude circulation is caused by low temperature and sinking air flow in the two-level region, so it belongs to the thermal circulation
The middle latitude circulation is different. The northward air flow from low latitude and the southward air flow from high latitude meet and the air flow is forced to rise to form the middle latitude circulation, so it belongs to the dynamic circulation

What does "only one earth" tell us

"There is only one earth" is the central proposition of the article. The article tells us some knowledge about the earth. It tells us that the earth is beautiful, but also very small; the resources on the earth are limited. Understand the truth of "there is only one earth" and enhance the awareness of taking care of the environment and protecting the earth