What's the function of this sentence? A: this sentence vividly writes

What's the function of this sentence? A: this sentence vividly writes

There are three situations about the examination of sentences: function, appreciation, connotation and analysis. The key points of the answer to this question should include at least two aspects, generally content and structure. Content is what is written, just as you said in your example. The role of structure includes rendering atmosphere, foreshadowing, excessive, total

How to explain the meaning of line sentences in modern Chinese reading
Do you want to translate sentences directly / some can translate sentences directly, but some need to explain deeply. How to answer

According to the key words in the sentence, the structure of the sentence, the mood and intonation of the sentence, the rhetorical devices used in the sentence, the way of expression used in the sentence, etc., combined with the position of the sentence in the text, the context, the meaning of the sentence itself, or the contextual meaning of the sentence, or the implied meaning of the sentence, make an appropriate explanation
Let me tell you a doggerel
Key words are very important. You can't understand the sentence. If the sentence is a single sentence, distinguish the main and branch
If the sentence is a complex sentence, make clear the hierarchy and relationship
If the sentence is a summary sentence, the answer needs to go up. If the sentence is a transition sentence, it needs to pay attention to the context
Sentence expression has its own characteristics, purpose and effect

How to explain the meaning of line sentences in modern Chinese reading?

I've tried to do this before. If you read the sentence several times, ask a few questions about the place you don't understand, and then answer these questions, it's almost the same. It's generally good

How to explain the meaning of the following sentences

At least two aspects should be considered: superficial meaning and deep meaning