A feeling of reading sand and foam

A feeling of reading sand and foam

Reference 1:
Sphinx said only once. Sphinx said: "a grain of sand is a desert, a desert is a grain of sand. Now let's keep silent
Man is a part of this society. People's emotions are complex, just like a society, and society is composed of these emotions. Therefore, "a grain of sand is a desert, and a desert is a grain of sand". Man is composed of a system similar to "society", and people composed of different "societies" constitute society
This is the doorring of a complex world. Let's think deeply:
In fact, the so-called "color" is just the light reflected by objects. To see a red flower is not a red flower, it's just a flower reflecting red light. In fact, what color is it!
What's more terrible is: look at your mother, how she looks. One day, when you see your mother's real appearance, maybe she doesn't look like this at all! This is "seeing mountains is not mountains, seeing water is not water". Maybe only blind people understand the world, they won't be blinded by vision!
Some people say that I've become crazy. In fact, it's not crazy. I've just caught a glimpse of the unknown world. Like others, I'm not crazy. I'm just beyond the scope of the world. I'm just one step ahead of the world
Reference 2: Kahlil Gibran is an Arab poet, writer and painter in Lebanon. He is the main founder of Arab modern novels, art and prose, and one of the pioneers of Arab new literature in the 20th century, He is regarded as the master of Oriental Literature in the 20th century and the most outstanding poet in the world in the 20th century. In the west, he is known as "William Black of the 20th century". His main works contain rich sociality and Oriental spirit, not focusing on plot, and aim to express rich emotions. His song of life from the depths of his soul is full of mysterious apocalyptic words, It is like the sound of nature, conveying the truth of life, becoming an eternal motto that integrates the soul essence of the East and the west, transcends time and space, and plays a role in washing the soul for the people whose soul is lost in the world. Gibran can be called a master of human spiritual cultivation. His words have been fresh for a long time and spread all over the world, transcending the limitations of time and space and national boundaries, It is well-known in the eastern and Western world and has conquered generations of eastern and Western readers. Poets say that it is a poetic philosophy; philosophers say that it is a poem full of philosophy
"Sand and foam" is one of Gibran's most famous works. The author uses the natural scenery "sand" and "bubble" as a metaphor, which implies that human beings are as small as sand in the society, and things are as illusory as bubbles.
The whole collection of poems is full of philosophy and wisdom. It is a Book of aphorisms about life, art, love and human nature, which is worth reading repeatedly. In addition to philosophy, the collection of poems is also rich in the beauty of rhyme, just like sounds of nature, conveying the love and true meaning of life, so that those who are in a dilemma can get comfort and inspiration!
Like other works, Gibran's poems transcend the limits of time, space and national boundaries, and contain profound philosophy, reflecting the common feelings of human beings and meeting the different needs of different hearts
If I live on an island of ten Ping in the sea and have only one thing, there is no doubt that I will choose Gibran's sand and foam!
Sand and foam, written by Gibran wandering in a foreign land, is as beautiful as writing bright words on light paper with light ink. It is the most beautiful eulogy of life and love
It has not only the beauty of poetry's conciseness and music's rhythm, but also the flexibility and diversity of prose's expression, the seriousness and coldness of rational thinking, and the romance and lyricism of aria
This collection of prose poems is the author's witticism about life and art. It is written by Gibran intermittently. It is the interpretation of life phenomenon and reason that people ignore. In terms of form, the short poems in sand and foam are not long, the shortest one is only one line, and the longest one is only about ten lines. The form is novel, the language is concise, and the meaning is profound, The whole collection of poems is full of philosophy and wisdom. It is a Book of aphorisms about life, art, love and human nature, which is worth reading repeatedly. Besides philosophy, the collection of poems is also rich in the beauty of rhyme, just like the sounds of nature, conveying the love and true meaning of life, so that those who are in a dilemma can get comfort and inspiration! The poems transcend the limits of time and space, national boundaries, Words and sentences contain profound philosophy, reflect the common feelings of human beings, meet the different needs of different hearts
Be not of the common sort, but we pay close attention to them, and we can see the mystery of the sea. Therefore, many things and things that are often neglected and often appear in the present place contain the most profound truth. Gibran has paid close attention to these and ponder these.

Sha Yumo's composition
Hurry! Hurry!

1. Vegetarians don't eat meat. If they want to eat meat, they will eat people
2. Remember, what you break is not a spider web, but a spider's home
No matter how rich people are, they are also worried about money
Only when you look back on yourself and work hard towards your ideal, will you be closer to happiness and success
5. Sometimes, our ridiculous persistence is just to prove that we have grown up
6. To be angry is to punish yourself for other people's mistakes
7. Life is a lamp, we must work hard and refuel
Don't always think about the past, it is very far away, we should grasp the good time in front of us, work hard and struggle
Don't give up easily, or you will be sorry for yourself
If you don't give up at the critical moment, despair will turn into hope
11. Attitude determines attitude and strive to change the future

Reading answers to farewell at Jingmen
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What feelings does this poem express,

This is a five character poem, rhymed words are you, Liu, Lou, Zhou. Theme: farewell poem Li Bai this time out of Shu, by boat, by water, through Bayu, out of the Three Gorges, straight to Jingmen mountain, the purpose is to Hubei, Hunan area Chu hometown tour

The gift of parting

1. Peter's father is going to send his grandfather to the orphanage and buy a blanket for him. The night before his departure, what happened around this blanket. 2. Father is a person with filial piety in his heart, but weak in his heart. Grandfather is a kind and optimistic old man. Peter is a filial and intelligent child. That woman is an unfilial and mean