Point out the proposition and conclusion in the following proposition (1) Two parallel lines are cut by the third line, and the inner angles of the same side complement each other; (2) When the sum of two angles is equal to a flat angle, the two angles complement each other; (3) If the same number or the same integral is added to both sides of the equation, the result is still the same; (4) Two lines parallel to the same line are parallel; (5) Any two right angles are equal I don't have time. If I'm right, I'll give you another 10 points

Point out the proposition and conclusion in the following proposition (1) Two parallel lines are cut by the third line, and the inner angles of the same side complement each other; (2) When the sum of two angles is equal to a flat angle, the two angles complement each other; (3) If the same number or the same integral is added to both sides of the equation, the result is still the same; (4) Two lines parallel to the same line are parallel; (5) Any two right angles are equal I don't have time. If I'm right, I'll give you another 10 points

1. Proposition: two parallel lines are cut by the third line
Conclusion: the ipsilateral internal angle is complementary
The sum of two angles is equal to the equal angle
Conclusion: these two angles complement each other

3. Problem setting: if the same number or the same integral is added to both sides of the equation,
Conclusion: the results are still the same;
(4) The two lines of a line are parallel to the same line
Conclusion: straight lines are parallel;
(5) There are two right angles
Conclusion: the two angles are equal

Proposition conclusion proposition
In two propositions, if the proposition of the first proposition is the conclusion of the second proposition, and the conclusion of the first proposition is the proposition of the second proposition, then these two propositions are called______ .
If one of the propositions is called the original proposition, then the other is called its original proposition_______ .

Mutual proposition
Converse proposition

How to distinguish between proposition and conclusion

If. Then
Because. So
The former is the conclusion of the latter
Generally speaking, what we know and what we set up are questions

Write the following proposition in the form of if, then, and point out the proposition and conclusion!
All right angles are equal;
Two straight lines intersecting at right angles are perpendicular to each other;
Two lines that do not intersect are parallel lines

If the angles are all right angles, then they are all equal
If the angles are all right angles
Conclusion. Then they are all equal
If two lines intersect at right angles, then the two lines are perpendicular to each other;
If two lines intersect at right angles
So these two lines are perpendicular to each other
If two lines do not intersect, they are parallel
If two lines do not intersect
Conclusion: these two lines are parallel