What's the meaning of the nostalgia in autumn Also, find out the sentences that directly express "I" regret in the article! The memory of autumn in the article! Speed

What's the meaning of the nostalgia in autumn Also, find out the sentences that directly express "I" regret in the article! The memory of autumn in the article! Speed

It highlights the author's nostalgia for his mother and his obsession with the events in autumn that year, which shows that the article is about the events in autumn and explains the time

What is the title of this article
Two young Swiss people went to Italy to climb mountains together, one named Sartre, the other named Morrel.
In the OSTA Valley, they were caught in a blizzard and lost their way. More unfortunately, Sartre suddenly slipped at the edge of the cliff, lost his center of gravity and fell into the deep valley. Thanks to the ropes attached to their waists, Sartre did not fall to the bottom of the valley and hung in mid air.
Morrel put his foot against the stone edge and his hand tightly on the rope, trying to save his friend from the line of death, but it didn't help. It seems that it is impossible to get Sartre out of danger without the help of a third party. But he did his best.
Sartre was hanging in the air, helpless, looking up at the gray sky and looking down at the dark valley.
Two friends, who share life and death, stick to it one day and one night
Sartre understood that if he went on like this, he would either die together or sacrifice himself. So he resolutely called out to Morrel, "good luck! Goodbye Then he took out his knife and cut the rope that tied his life
OSTA valley will always remember the great feat of lifting the sword and breaking the rope!

A feat

How to analyze the meaning of article title

The title is the "eye" of an article, and it is a high generalization of the content, thoughts and emotions of an article. The title of an article generally has profound meaning or multiple implied meanings. A correct understanding of the meaning of the title of an article can help us understand the ideological connotation of the work and clarify the thinking of the article. Therefore, the analysis and understanding of the title is particularly important, To understand the meaning of the title of an article accurately is a key breakthrough in reading and understanding the article, The function of the title of an article is to explain the main content of the article, reveal (imply) the theme of the article, explain the environment of the story, point out the clues of writing or emotional tone, determine the object of description, set suspense to attract readers and so on, The surface meaning is the literal meaning of the title, and the deep meaning is the extended meaning, figurative meaning and symbolic meaning. Then, how to analyze the meaning of the title? The author thinks that we can start from the following aspects