What is the meaning of the title "xugongdian in Suxin city" written by Yang Wanli? As long as the meaning of the title As long as the meaning of the question, please answer quickly

What is the meaning of the title "xugongdian in Suxin city" written by Yang Wanli? As long as the meaning of the title As long as the meaning of the question, please answer quickly

Stay at Xugong store in Xinshi

The meaning of Xugong store in Suxin city by Yang Wanli

Notes on Xugong shop in Suxin City

Xinshi xugongdian: Xinshi: a place name. Now Xinshi Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province. Xinshi was also a wine making center in Song Dynasty. The government set up a wine tax official in Xinshi, who was held by Zhu Shu, the son of Zhu Xi. Yang Wanli was infatuated with Xihekou's wine. He drank heavily and kept Xinshi xugongdian. Xugongdian is a hotel owned by Xu family

Ancient poems of xugongdian in Suxin City

Xugongdian in Suxin City [7 Jue] in the Song Dynasty, the fences of yangwanli were sparse, the paths were deep, and the flowers on the tree heads were not shady. Children rushed to chase the yellow butterflies and flew into the cauliflower. There was no place to look for them. [note] 1