The meaning of the title of Shanzhong and Pei Xiucai's Di Shu

The meaning of the title of Shanzhong and Pei Xiucai's Di Shu

Now it's the end of December of the lunar calendar. The climate is mild and comfortable. You can visit Lantian mountain. You are studying the Scriptures. You dare not disturb me in a hurry. You go to the mountain by yourself, rest in ganpei temple, have dinner with the abbot of the temple, and then leave

The meaning of each paragraph in sand and foam,

1. Achievement does not represent one's meaning and life value. The song of struggle in the process of realizing one's dream is the best song in the world
2. Do things with concentration and devotion, and be single-minded. People should learn to give up and not have both
3. What is beneficial is to share pain and responsibility, not to use each other
4. Pressure makes power
5. When our thoughts are confined by some shackles, our inner world should be full of hope, so as to break through the spiritual cage and obtain the freedom of the soul
Don't let money change your dream, don't let your dream become ordinary
Every thing has its meaning and value
8. Be independent, don't force others, have independent personality
The meaning of this sentence is similar to that of "failure is the mother of success". Difficulties contain victory, while failure breeds success
People who listen to the truth will take the truth that the person who speaks the truth to heart and realize it one by one
11. Desire can make people motivated, but indifference can make people lose a lot of things
It's a good thing to be envied, because only if you are good, others will be envied
13. Comparing life to a team, those who are always procrastinating will be left behind by those who are active and enterprising; while those who always want to show themselves find that they are out of sync with others, so they also leave the team
14. It's similar to "think alike when you see the good, introspection when you see the bad". The person who always pays attention to others' shortcomings but doesn't pay attention to others' advantages is our biggest shortcoming
15. That is to say, poverty is not terrible, we have the opportunity to be rich. But if we have too much money, we will always be immersed in the desire brought by money
If I give you something and you don't give me money, it's robbery or theft
17. One's own value lies in giving, giving and giving, not in taking and possessing
18. Be honest, not false
Because of his lack of self-confidence, he thought that boasting about himself would make the sea look up to him. But he didn't expect that it would be useless and counterproductive
20. The sea is also made up of many small drops, so the collective power is great
21. People should change into thoughts and don't impose their own thoughts on others
22. Have a fixed goal and keep moving towards it
23. It's hard for an honest man to correct his bad habits once he has them

Sand and foam imitation writing and meaning urgent!

1. Achievement doesn't mean one's meaning and life value. The song of struggle in the process of realizing one's dream is the best song in the world. 2. Work should be attentive and devoted, and be single-minded. People should learn to give up, and can't have it both with bear's paw. 3. Beneficial connotation is to share pain and responsibility, not to use each other

Imitate the maxim of Sha Yumo, give me a maxim, and explain his practical significance

Original friendship is always a sweet and soft responsibility, never an opportunity. Imitation family love is always a warm support, never a demand. @ the true meaning of family love is the sustenance of the soul, always rely on, not blindly demand, and take it for granted. Original - only when you are chased, you can run quickly