The core of the scientific outlook on development is people-oriented. This paper tries to explain its philosophical basis and how to do it by using the knowledge of life and philosophy

The core of the scientific outlook on development is people-oriented. This paper tries to explain its philosophical basis and how to do it by using the knowledge of life and philosophy

Dialectical materialism holds that material determines consciousness, which plays an active role in material. Adhering to the scientific outlook on development is conducive to enhancing the people's awareness of environmental protection, and plays an important role in promoting material, that is, solving the problems facing the current economic and social development. 2 the law is objective The measures to adhere to the scientific outlook on development are based on the reflection of the current situation of economic development, adhere to the objective law of development, adhere to the point of view of proceeding from reality and seeking truth from facts, which is conducive to the continuous development of China's economy To make the mode of development more adapt to the needs of economic development in the new era 4. Connection is universal and objective. Everything in the world is connected. Building an environment-friendly society in an all-round way is closely related to the strong cooperation of the people. Therefore, we should adhere to the people-oriented principle and carry forward the subjective initiative of the people, which is conducive to promoting the construction of environmental protection Development is the unity of quantitative change and qualitative change. Quantitative change is the necessary premise of qualitative change. In the economic and social construction, we should start with small things, work hard and work hard, and actively carry out quantitative change. Qualitative change is the inevitable result of quantitative change. To a certain extent, it will lead to qualitative change, so that a scientific and developing society can be built in an all-round way. 6 contradictions are common Contradiction is the unity of opposites. The continuous development of social economy and the strong support of the state are also a pair of contradictions. In dealing with this pair of contradictions, we should adhere to the unity of the two points theory and the key point theory, and grasp the main contradictions. Even if the national government puts forward the policy of scientific development and supports the overall planning, people-oriented is conducive to the solution of contradictions. 7 the essence of dialectical negative view is to sublate in the process of economic and social construction The people are the creators of history and social material and spiritual wealth. Therefore, in the construction of an environment-friendly society, we should put people first and improve the people's concept of environmental protection and conservation The value judgment decides the value choice, and improving the people's saving concept helps people make the right value choice, actively participate in the construction of resource-friendly society, and promote the sustainable development of economy

2. Why is the core of the scientific outlook on development people-oriented?

The core of the scientific outlook on development is people-oriented.people-oriented is the basic principle of Marxist historical materialism and the concentrated embodiment of our party's fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly

The understanding of people oriented and scientific outlook on development
About 1000 words

People oriented is the essence and core of the scientific outlook on development. A deep understanding of the scientific connotation of people-oriented will help us accurately grasp the scientific connotation and spiritual essence of the scientific outlook on development

How to understand "people oriented" is the core of the scientific outlook on Development

Adhering to the concept of people-oriented and establishing a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development concept is a major strategic idea put forward by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary from the overall situation of the party and the country's cause development in the new stage of the new century. It is also a new development of our party's guiding ideology of socialist modernization